Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Search found 72 matches
hey, don't forget that "hitchhikers' guide to the galaxy" and "war of the worlds" are coming this year too !
BUT . . . . . Chrispis' advice is good advice. If you think a chop is bad it probably is. (Of course, ironically your BAD chop did well) eeeeeh, i once won with i chop i considered not even en ...
As the great Terry Pratchett says in his book "The Science of Discworld 2 : The Globe" : May contain nuts ! ( although in PSC terms this should read "Definately contains nuts" )
mybae we sluohd try smohtnig esle tahn tkalnig bwdarkacs ?( tihs is atclluay hraedr tehn tpnyig bwdarkacs !! )
Question 2: If I choose for example an oval shape, can I rotate the selection BEFORE I choose to cut/copy/stroke/fill, etc?I mean, like this shape..."Select"->"Transform selection", and you can do eve ...
My favs are :Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. TolkienDune series ( F. Herbert )and all Discworld titles by Terry Prattchett
Congratulations P@U !!( psst, slip Fuque some space-cake, maybe that will calm him down from his tantrum )
it can be shrunk down my 2 by substituting the second "the" by "a"(edit) or the first "the"
And why is this letter "W" called a "double-U", when it so obviously should be called a "double-V"?maybe because in the time of the romans a "U" was written as a "V" ?
first, the thumbnail always stays the same ( some people use that to make a more inviting thumbnail ). But if you rimage seems the same after replacing it, try to press shift+F5 in internet explorer, ... We need a search on this forum !!! ) Photoshop Contest Forum Index - Search found 72 matches |
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