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ledirlo   @ 3:55 pm
A few recent winning entries make me want to enter a contest again
genesis2   @ 7:50 pm (24 Jul 24)
What’s the difference between the bird flu and the swine flu? One requires tweetment and the other an oinkment.
bsoholic   @ 2:22 pm (24 Jul 24)
I went to an Indian restaurant and they didn’t have my favorite appetizer so I had to leave... It was a naan-starter
ledirlo   @ 11:35 am (14 Jul 24)
genesis2   @ 5:20 pm (13 Jul 24)
Why did the snail paint a giant S on his car? So when he drove by, people could say: “Look at that S car go!”
Eve   @ 1:42 am (13 Jul 24)
What did the green grape say to the purple grape?
Very Happy
just trying to breath some life here...
ledirlo   @ 4:36 pm (02 Jul 24)
Make this chat live
ledirlo   @ 12:47 pm (24 Jun 24)
As hell
ledirlo   @ 12:47 pm (24 Jun 24)
Eve, joint us on Facebook ? (Boring as well )
Eve   @ 1:42 am (24 Jun 24)
I caution you, Led, not to say "showcase" or "chicken" 3 times in a row. God help us if...
ledirlo   @ 4:58 pm (21 Jun 24)
It IS almost alive, last Time it was "us" four years ago:Robin, showcase,me,mozub
genesis2   @ 11:46 pm (20 Jun 24)
Da chat is da joke
Eve   @ 8:02 pm (20 Jun 24)
jocolor Anyone who enters da chat must offer a joke jocolor
nevet   @ 8:41 pm (19 Jun 24)
Hi MG, good to see you back here Smile
MindGraph   @ 7:53 pm (17 Jun 24)
Hey all. Got homesick and thought I'd stop by. Need to hit a contest again. Been away too long. Hope everyone is doing well
genesis2   @ 6:27 pm (16 Jun 24)
Happy Father’s Day to all that are celebrating it today.
Eve   @ 11:20 pm (13 Jun 24)
Laughing This place is better suited for jokes these days
genesis2   @ 9:37 pm (10 Jun 24)
Two little boys were at a wedding when one leaned over to the other and says "How many wives can a man have?" His friend answered, "Sixteen, ...four better, four worse, four richer, and four poorer".
ledirlo   @ 7:22 pm (09 Jun 24)
Eve ! Still a curator ?
How's life ?
Eve   @ 6:35 pm (09 Jun 24)
Kim Jong Un is sitting in his office. He proudly tells his advisors:

“North Korea will be the first country to send people to the sun!”

His advisors break out in applause. Meanwhile Donald Trump is watching this live on TV. He calls Kim Jong Un and asks him:

“How are you going to send people to the sun? It’s too hot!”

Kim Jong Un replies by saying to his advisors:

“What an idiot! We can send them at night!”

His advisors break out in applause. On hearing this Donald Trump says to his advisors:

“What an idiot!…

There is no sun at night!”
ledirlo   @ 12:26 pm (07 Jun 24)
well you're right what was going on around her was weird, I'd "kittyyyyyyyyy how are you" her the same just for fun sometimes
nancers   @ 12:35 am (07 Jun 24)
ledirlo, I'm glad kitty is a fine illustrator, tbh. As annoying as she was, I'm happy for her. We all deserve a good life.
genesis2   @ 2:33 pm (06 Jun 24)
Happy D-Day
ledirlo   @ 1:45 pm (06 Jun 24)
happy D-day
ledirlo   @ 8:05 pm (05 Jun 24)
nancers said: I can't believe you guys are still here. I check in to find an image and ledirlo and the202 are waiting for kitty to show up. Hugs to you both. I hope I find the image I'm looking for.

this crazy lil' thing called love
ledirlo   @ 10:03 am (05 Jun 24)
nancers said: ledirlo and the202 are waiting for kitty to show up she has become a very fine illustrator
ledirlo   @ 1:38 pm (25 May 24)
Nancers, hugs to you.this place IS safer than fb account got hacked and most of m'y psc Friends have gone from m'y Friends list, including wes, voilà
nancers   @ 1:24 am (25 May 24)
ODG we can't post images here STILL? I had some good ones of you Led and 202. Never mind.
nancers   @ 1:02 am (25 May 24)
I can't believe you guys are still here. I check in to find an image and ledirlo and the202 are waiting for kitty to show up. Hugs to you both. I hope I find the image I'm looking for.
ledirlo   @ 3:49 pm (23 May 24)
the202 said: I'm pretty sure whatever we might be talking about is Ledirlo's fault.
thetuwotu: you've always been identified as an African tribe leader would also be my fault, etc etc.Okay
ledirlo   @ 3:45 pm (23 May 24)
SEAL Team 3 said: ledirlo said: I meant : amphibious animals after all ?
what do you mean 'after all'

I meant to sound funny
the202   @ 4:36 am (23 May 24)
I'm pretty sure whatever we might be talking about is Ledirlo's fault.
SEAL Team 3   @ 10:28 pm (22 May 24)
ledirlo said: I meant : amphibious animals after all ?
what do you mean 'after all'
ledirlo   @ 11:48 am (17 May 24)
I meant : amphibious animals after all ?
ledirlo   @ 11:41 am (17 May 24)
SEAL Team 3 said: SEAL Team 3 said: ledirlo said: Marco ! long time no see !

amphibious animals after all ?
woah a seal team all by yourself: welcome

U know what a SEAL Team is??
Im surprised.
Good Job. thumleft
SEAL Team 3   @ 11:18 pm (14 May 24)
SEAL Team 3 said: ledirlo said: Marco ! long time no see !

woah a seal team all by yourself: welcome

U know what a SEAL Team is??
Im surprised.
Good Job. thumleft
SEAL Team 3   @ 11:17 pm (14 May 24)
ledirlo said: Marco ! long time no see !

woah a seal team all by yourself: welcome

Thanks. Happy to be here!
ledirlo   @ 3:13 pm (14 May 24)
ledirlo said:hoping to hear from you soon my friends
ledirlo   @ 8:39 pm (09 May 24)
hear from you soon my friends
ledirlo   @ 9:50 am (09 May 24)
Alex aussi je t'ai envoyé un PM
ledirlo   @ 9:49 am (09 May 24)
Marco I preferred to PM you

Hi Alex I remember you how's life been ? here it's become very dad at some time but seems to live on thanks to a few that compete for the prize or for fun
Alex   @ 2:40 pm (07 May 24)
Crazy. I come back here more than a decade later and the same folks hang around the chat room...
marcoballistic   @ 7:14 pm (06 May 24)
Heeeey Led, hope all is well in your world buddy
ledirlo   @ 1:28 pm (06 May 24)
an on a 12 years delay before I read an answer
ledirlo   @ 1:28 pm (06 May 24)
okay I plan to come back and read answers...reasonly I should pl
ledirlo   @ 1:27 pm (06 May 24)
Marco ! long time no see !

woah a seal team all by yourself: welcome
SEAL Team 3   @ 1:31 am (04 May 24)
wsp yall
blackfox   @ 7:57 pm (03 May 24)
soup. Just sayin'
marcoballistic   @ 12:10 am (01 May 24)
It's been 7,331 days since I found this place. Some great memories. Hope everyone is well.
ledirlo   @ 3:57 pm (29 Apr 24)
so how is it going ?

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PSC Time 11:38 pm EST