since i recieved some pm's and you guys cant read dutch i'll explain why we aren't online anymore:
at the beginning of my pregnancy i was very sick of my body adjusting to it.. the normal sickness every pregnant woman feels now and then. Only i had it for about 15 weeks and every day and couldn't eat very much. Some days i couldnt drink either but after 15 weeks it got better and i finally thought it was time for me to enjoy.
Right after that the weather became very hot here in holland so again i became sick from the heat. I had terrible headache's and felt sick. But the weather got better for me, temperature dropped and i started to feel better.
Only 3 days after that i noticed some little red spots on my chest and neck.. and here comes our story:
The next day the few spots (about 6) had become about 200 spots!! my entire body was covered with it so i called the docter and he told me to come the same day. So i did.
I did not feel sick at all, i just had spots ... felt like a dalmatian dog.
The docter told me i was sick. It was something you normaly get as a child.. then it aint bad, but the older you get the tougher it is to overcome. It is called Varicella in medical terms. If you want to know in your own language please look for a translation.
He told me it happened to 5 out of 1000 woman at my age but those were not pregnant like me. So it was something rare and he started making phonecalls to laboratory and stuff like that. After he finished he told me they had decided i should let it be and we would wait to see if i could deal with it on my own ( he wasn't willing to give medication because of the baby) . He also told me i had to call again if i started to have trouble breathing or when i got fever.
2 hours later.. i start coughing.. my temperature rised and i didn't feel to good. i had the idea the little spots (more like blisters) were in my mouth to! So we called the docter again and we must come that minute. So we jumped in the car and went.
I was right about the blisters.. they were in my mouth and my lungs were affected to. So i got medication and they sent me home. The next day my temperature must drop or i must call again.
It dropped!! so i didn't call... and the day went well only in the evening i felt like i had the flue or something. But the evening after this all went very wrong.
I felt more sick, couldn't breath very well and we called the docter again, this time he came to us. When he saw me i saw his face turn kinda worried... and he told me he was. He listened to my lungs and thought it was better if i went to the hospital to let the lung specialist take a look.. he also said i would probably have to stay there. So we went to the hospital, they made pictures of my lungs and wanted to take blood examples. But when putting the needle in my arm the blood wouldn't come. I had no fluid in me anymore so they gave me fluids through an i.v. I was dehidrated. (excuse spelling).
the docter told me it would be best for me and the baby if they kept me on IC for the night. Still i din't feel terribly sick and the docter noticed and started to say: girl, you are more sick then you realize, you are so very very sick!. Still i had no idea of what whas happening inside me. Then they told me an ambulance would come to get me and bring me to a hospital with a room on IC. I had to get a room of my own because i could make other people sick to, so the ambulance came and took me away. Goeny and my parents came with me to the other hospital that was realy not close to home.
After they were finished with putting me on the control system and stuff like that my family came to say goodbye and they would come back the next day.
After 4 hours they recieved a phonecall to come back immediatly cause i wasn't doing good and they would have to take over. They wanted to put me on a breathing machine and put me to sleep untill i was better. So they rushed to the hospital and when they came they were frightened very much. A team of about 10 docters stood there holding bottles of oxigen and one docter putting a mask over my face pumping air into my lungs. I was awake but i had screamed and begged for them to put me to sleep i was so tired! I told everybody i loved them and they were taken out of the room so they could start working to get me on that breathing machine.. that didn't went very well and there i was ... dying... they worked as hard as they could to get some air into my body.. but my body wouldn't give it to the machine.. so they manualy started to pump the air into me. After about 30 to 45 minutes my body finaly let go and they could take over.
I have been asleep for 5 days and they have to give me medication were we still dont know what it does to the baby. They know on animals the test weren't good, but they know also that the amount given to the pregnant animals was higher then what i got. So we have to wait and hope all goes well.
After waking up i was transferd to a regular care unit and 5 days after that i was able to go home.
I am still very weak and i cant do anything then sitting and eating, walking a bit and slowly practicing on the stairs with goeny behind or in front of me.
The docter told me it would take about 5 to 6 weeks before i am like i used to be although i doubt if i ever will. Physicly i will, but mentaly i will never see life the way i did. i will enjoy it even more every single day i live. Words can not describe how happy i am to be alive and to still have our baby in my belly.

The doctors told us we were a little miracle, and that they did not expect us to recover so fast.
They realy keep an eye on us now, and i have to go back for some test to see if it keeps going well. So that's realy comforting us.. as we are now very much alert to everything i feel or dont feel.
I hope that one day we can enjoy this pregnancy without any concerns, but it hasn't been easy on us. (especialy for goeny who had to watch his wife and child lying there for 5 days wondering if they would ever go home with him again.. poor goeny realy had a tough time

But we are very very happy to be alive and enjoy the little things we can.. like yesterday i saw a little bird with bright colours, i just stared at it and thought: what a wonderfull world, and i am so glad i am a part of it to!
As you will understand we dont want to chop but enjoy every minute of live in a different way we were used to. First we were sitting behind the computer and now they are almost off all the time. We enjoy eachothers company, and talk very much and with only 15 weeks to go we are still enjoying the pregnancy for as much as we can.
Goeny is working on the baby's room with "grandpa". We wanted to start earlier but with the hospital stuff etc. we didn't got the chance. So we are preparing the room and ourselfs

for our little miracle to be born at the beginning of december.
When it is born of course we will put some pics here!
wendy and goeny