Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:29 pm Reply with quote
More safe subjects - with generic delete-as-applicable viewpoints to make arguments easier!:<br><br><b>The British/Americans/Arabs/Jews/Entire human race are barbaric, twisted and should be ashamed of everything they do now and have ever done!<br><br>Blacks/whites/hispanics/asians/entire human race are lazy/ugly/stupid/smelly/primitive/arrogant/racist and only want to take OUR jobs and RAPE our women!<br><br>Bush/Blair/Howard/Chirac/Zapatero/Putin/Balkenende/Vajpayee/Musharraf/Sharon/Arafat/all politicians are heroes/great leaders/courageous/cowards/scum/evil/manipulative b*st*rds!<br><br>All men/women are sexist/ignorant/manipulative/selfish/obsessive/paranoid!<br><br>People who are left-handed/right-handed/red-headed/short-sighted/fat/skinny/tall/short/"foreign"/left-wing/right-wing/alive are a waste of space and should be exterminated!</b>
"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo