Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:42 am Reply with quote
...which would be corrected (as said before) by a delayed voting system. Then you would get voted on for the quality of the picture you produced, not based on the time of day or night you post it!<br><br>Whether we worry about Advantage or not, things would certainly be much better with a delayed voting system (2-3 days to enter but without seeing the other pics, then another 2-3 when it closes to entries and votes can be given):<br><br>1) Advantage users would still get the advance time to prepare and post their entries.<br><br>2) Non-Advantage users (or even slow Advantage users!) who have to work or are otherwise delayed would not have to worry about rushing something to post before the "early-bird" voters rush in.<br><br>3) It would encourage the PSCers who throw all their votes around too early to pause a bit and give fair viewing to more of the entries based on quality not just how quickly they get posted up.
"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo