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Location: From the Future
Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:25 pm Reply with quote
You caught my reference. very good. Now go to my room....
_________________ You know what seems odd to me?
Numbers that aren't divisble by 2.
Location: From the Future
Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:40 pm Reply with quote
...Either that, or too lazy to change avatars. 
_________________ You know what seems odd to me?
Numbers that aren't divisble by 2.
Mon Sep 13, 2004 10:55 pm Reply with quote
mercury was used with leaf blowers to make the "liquid nitrogen lava factory" scene
Location: From the Future
Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:02 pm Reply with quote
I thought that looked like mercury! cool.<br>You are a geek also.<br>...b/c you shave your head and hold shoes in front of your face.<br>Oh wait, that makes you a nerd?<br>nevermind. pass the coffee please.
_________________ You know what seems odd to me?
Numbers that aren't divisble by 2.
Location: Virginia
Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:33 pm Reply with quote
*coughbacktothesubjectcough*<br>men and their testosterone movies... sheesh
Location: Kingston, ONTARIO, CAN
Tue Sep 14, 2004 10:06 am Reply with quote
I googled for a Cop Shoe, but they were all boring and black. Except one that was covered in blood or something. Hmmmph... cop shoes SUCK!
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!
Location: South Side Chicago
Tue Sep 14, 2004 3:27 pm Reply with quote
Let us know when you need backup Showcase. You may need it with her. I can guarantee a lot will be on the way. 
Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:25 pm Reply with quote
I thought you were a ninja robin...<br>so now your a burglar?<br>I will see what I can do its not I have a few ski masks laying around you know<br>I do live in Florida!
Location: Virginia
Tue Sep 14, 2004 7:34 pm Reply with quote
yeah! come on kitty, we have a LOT of shoes to steel!<br><br>nope... ninja costumes are a little different... burglars burgle in black  ...or those balck and white striped shirts, lol
Tue Sep 14, 2004 8:16 pm Reply with quote
<img src="">
Location: Sacramento Ca. USA
Thu Sep 16, 2004 1:25 am Reply with quote
Not to put a damper on the thread but In light of some of the discussion here and on other threads I thought that I would relay to you all that one on my fellow security guards was killed here in town last night.<br><br>According to witnesses an employee of the plant the guard was posted at, speed through the parking lot with his lights out striking the guard and running him over before fleeing the area.<br>The suspect has not yet been caught and no one is sure of the motive at this time.<br><br>I did not know the guard myself.<br><br>You may now go back to make jokes<br>
Location: South Side Chicago
Thu Sep 16, 2004 9:42 am Reply with quote
Sorry to hear TJ. Moment of silence for him. Fallen Officer........Rest in peace and in our memories.
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