Some photos from PSCBoston
(From Blue's cam)
(Dew with the lord of the flies flame stick)
(The crew on the balcony of the hotel - Left to Right- XOV, Dew, Mex, Leif head, KenCD)
(Mezo and Blue)
(Dew, Mezo, and KenCD at the conference)
(Dew trying to fashion a stick to hold the jiffy pop for the fire, Dew's wife watches on)
(Back of the shirts made by Dew- Dew is the clown on the left)
(Lamont- the Black version of Cedric the entertainer... oh wait.)
(Ken and XOV try out the "mustache fruits" that are "Rike cow horns")
(Dew, Mez, and Ken carefully paying attention to the instructions)
(Taking the leif head out to dinner- cheap bastard didnt even pay)
(The crew outside of Fenway Park. The Sox lost that game)