janetdog wrote:
(Mostly spent standing in line waiting for complete idiots)
i don't know why you would be waiting in a line for idiots...
but i like test driving new toys/tools too.
as for improvements to PSC
I think that.
The site doent have to worry to much about loading times with its base theme.
Spam is a problem... BROKEN DOWN TO ITS BARE PARTS
advertising + public access forum = spam
So how to avoid advertising.
Idea A
much like firewall the ability to catalog you can create censorship of sites. (like putting the word "fuck" as **** but instead of that the actual site name becomes ****Link blocked****
Why will this work?... well why advertise on the site if the link is just going to be perminantly blocked.
of course its up to the admin to put code it and put in the censor function but if incorperated it would act pretty much like a firewall. and the compendium of blocked sites will increase as more are advertised until the parties realise its a waste of time.
Idea B
also you could remove the ability to post hotlinks for people who havnt posted in the contests.
Like the ten entries etc.
User interface.
The gui on the site if very functional and decorative in anyway not what people would expect from a graphicly based website.
most people would expect things to move and drop downs etc. nice animations. not exactly busting to have a pretty site but it can help.
Things necassary on the home page or pre home page.
The logo - check
The mascott if there is one - Gordonk is not there...
Welcome message - nope.