I told this method to Ledirlo about a year ago and I thought I would share the method with the rest of PhotoshopContest. This is a method that I've been using for the past 3 years that makes makes me $500/month using Photoshop with Google Adsense. This method is scalable and you can make more money if you make more tutorials.
You might remember me on here trying to pay members to create tutorials. Well, I stopped making and buying the tutorials over a year ago and I am still making $500/month just doing nothing.
It's free information. There are other Photoshop artists currently doing this, but I haven't seen it posted anywhere on the Internet before. Here is the link to my method:
The Method:
Income from Photoshop Tutorials
The sites I am using this method on are:
I used to keep this method as a guarded secret, but the method doesn't look like it is going to get saturated unless everybody does it. Which from my experience, very few actually do it. They get excited when they find out about it, but when they realize there is some actual work involved, they lose interest and give up.
Why am I sharing this?
Because I'm trying to market and get the word out about my new website at
www.methodlist.com. So if you find the method useful, the only thing I ask in return for this information is to provide a link back to
www.methodlist.com from your website ...or if you don't own a website, then to please stumble my website using your StumbleUpon.com toolbar.
Thanks and I hope some of you actually take action and do this method. It can be a nice supplement to your income.