AnjaDD wrote:
Oh, really, they are just "ordinary" contests ? Then why are they called speedchops ?
The explanation under "speedchop" in the help is not correct then ?
By the way, it's nice to find a Belgian here, ik ben namelijk ook van België, meer bepaald van Dendermonde

the explanation is correct. usually, advantage members have access to the sources of an entire month, except a few sources, which are the speedchop sources. example, today is sunday, monday's entry can be viewed only by advantage members, so they see it, chop, and upload their entries while non advantage members CAN'T see it, therefore they CAN'T chop and CAN'T upload their entries.. tuesday's entry can only be seen by advantage members, so they see it, chop and upload their entries, BUT wednesday's entry is a speedchop entry, and can't be seen by advantage members, they only see it on wednesday when the contest opens, so they dont get to see it, they dont get to chop, they dont get to upoad their entries UNTIL the contest opens on wednesday.. and heres the difference.