When I go away like Mexico/Caribbean I always visit the Canadian Consulate web site
http://www.voyage.gc.ca/about_a-propos/role-eng.asp#4 and surf around there as to what services they do provide for travellers. (Not much as their primary function is to throw and attend cocktail parties) I am sure the Good Ole U.S of A has a similiar site. You can access travel warnings in so far as where crime is/ what the scams are etc.
In so far as safety, common sense is the best approach. Crime is everywhere and you don't have to travel to encounter crime, as I am sure your neighbourhood probably can provide you with that without spending the money to find it anywhere else.
It would be wise to remember that you have no rights as a visitor and your consulate will only provide you with a list of local lawyers if you should run afoul of the local laws. Habeus Corpus does not exist in many of the places you are visiting and you are assumed guilty and the onus on proving innocence falls on the accused.
Take photo copies of your passport and e-tickets in case of loss. Sampling the local vegetarian contraband could land you in a lot of shit if you pardon the pun.