As I mentioned in this thread.
Someone stole my image and was selling cds with it.
I contacted the gentleman with a polite note saying:
Dear Dr Mitchell,
I noticed you have been using my art to sell your CDs on amazon without my permission. I'm not very happy. I believe you owe me some kind of payment.
If you would like to take care of this without lawyers, let me know. Otherwise you will be hearing from mine in the near future.
It is copyright infringement. You may not have realized what you were doing but it is against the law and I should be paid for the usage of my image.
Please contact me.
Rey Michaud
He replied rather quickly apologizing and wanted to correct his mistake right away. He only sold a few cds according to his amazon account so we came up with a price of $750 and he sent it to me via pay pal right away. I have the money in my account. I guess not everybody is an a-hole.
It's a good new year. I have the first winning image of the year and $750 in the bank. woohoo