This very special scene where Dr. Heywood Floyd is on transit to Clavius Base on the moon and stops for a layover at Space Station V,gives a glimpse into the fact that Kubrick was prevy to inside information and had advanced knowledge dealing with the machinations,secret manipulations and sociopolitical engineering mechanisms of the powers that be involved in the transformation of the global human condition towards a future New World Order.There is a videophone conversation (50 years later a common reality-kudos) between Floyd and his daughter back on earth,it is her birthday and he asks her if there is anything special she wants as a present.(1:20)She says"a telephone",and Floyd answers "well we already have lots of telephones". Remember the movie came out in 1968, in 2001 cellular phones were a household item and now 50 years later almost every person on the planet has many telephones (he nailed it).Then he says,"can't you think of anything else you want for your birthday? Something very special." Where upon she says something I thought very strange at the time but many years later made total sense to me and blew my mind.(1:27) She says " A Bushbaby ! " I always wondered what would a little girl want with a bushbaby! His response is almost as weird.He says "we'll have to see about that",actually inferring that he would get her one.
Bushbabies are small exotic jungle dweling nocturnal primates,and a very complicated pet to care for, here is a bushbaby...
Well when the real 2001 came along I finally understood what Kubrick was trying to tell us all along in his own fascinating enigmatic style...
This is also a Bushbaby...
Yes Stanley knew in 1968 that there was a very high probability that in 2001 George Bush Jr.or "Bush Baby" would be president of the USA.It seems that in 1968 he was already being primed for his future role.After all he was at the time,grandson of Skull and Bonesman, investment banker and Senator Prescott Sheldon Bush and son of then Governor of Texas and later in 1981 also president of the USA George H.W. Bush
It seems Dr. Heywood Floyd did buy his daughter that very special birthday present after all !
Now what do you think about that.