1- open a image at Photoshop
2- at the layers palette (at the botton) click on the icon : create a new fill or ajustment layer(a ball half black/half white)
3- select Hue/Saturation
4- put Saturation -100% = desaturate completely the image
5- return to the background layer
6- Ctrl+J (windows system)
7- Ctrl+I
8- Blending mode = color dodge
9- Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur around radius 3.8(depends on the picture)
10- if necessary, use burn tool or dodge tool
11- levels to improve the image
Now you have a black/White pencil design
If you want a color pencil design
After the item 9 above ...
1- take out the eye at the left side from the layer Hue/saturation
2- levels to improve the image