I am helping a friend out with a few things and we are hitting walls while working on the logo's. I was hoping that a few of you might have some free time to give me a hand. Here is the original specs:
Logo #1:
Craft Beer Radio. craftbeerradio.com
For this logo I have two ideas in mind. The first idea is two hands,
on holding a beer the other holding a microphone, and craft beer radio
on three lines between the two hands.
The other idea is a beer mug that has a broadcast antenna and maybe
some radio wave circles coming out of the top of the antenna.
I'd like it to be 1 or 2 color.
Logo #2:
The second logo is a line drawing 1 or 2 color picture of an angry
elephant charging directly at you. think of something that would look
good on a hockey jersey would be a good way to design the style I'm
looking for. Red as a primary color for this one.
I appreciate any help that you guys can give me. I can't even post what we have so far since they aren't very good at all.
If any one comes up with any show stoppers, some prizes may be in order
There is a reward of BEER to the winner! The owner of craft beer radio just informed me that he will be willing to ship out some home brew to the creator of the logo that he decides to use or work from. I have had a few of his beers and they are damn good too