Close Marco - and yet so far!
BX - I can't remember knowing who was winning or losing until the H2H closes. Maybe I just can't remember that far back, but in my memory no one knew the votes until the contest closed. And in this case the participant can vote for themselves, or their competitor and then they will also get to see the contest stats as it goes.
I'm not saying this is a HIDEOUS EVIL WRONG STINKY thing, its just that I personally find keeping the votes hidden until end of contest to be a more "fair" way to do it.
That being said, I'm not sure how this could be handled better using what we've got to work with here. You folks have done a good thing with what we have to work with.
I wish the old H2H section of this site were still available. (hoping JMH puts it back into Version 23 of PSC)
the way our EGO THINKS IT MIGHT!