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Location: Everywhere

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:40 pm   Reply with quote         

I would appreciate a possible better understanding of what you might consider appropriate critiquing. Or even what you might consider original work.



Location: Somerville MA

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:00 pm   Reply with quote         

This site is in my opinion half photoshop/ half art. one can look at a photoshopped image and critique it according to how well done the image is realism wise" then of course there is the originality factor, idea, theme, execution ect... what qualifies as a photoshopped image? I believe it's how real you can make it look.
anything else is art for art's sake. to sum up; comment on what the person did with the source and how well they used their skills to achieve the result. also how they used the tools in photoshop which are many, and I believe should be used to the fullest. channels, blending modes, pen tool, masking, all the good stuff!
now about the winning thing, I wish I knew why and how certain images seem to top the charts consistently. because they are not always as good as people think, in my opinion. on the other hand some entries are way under voted!? ~ by the way, anybody need the services of an under rated starving artist/ graphic designer/ musician? Laughing Shocked Cool Wink


Location: In a world of $#!t

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:09 pm   Reply with quote         

I will put in my 2 cents. I think sometimes people are struggling to find their grove and when they can't seem to find it they tend to think that people are out to get them. It happens to everyone. ( I know Marco is out to get ME! Shocked Wink ) For an image to be good, it needs to have mad skills, or clean execution, or a very clever idea, or a beautiful design work, or it's really funny. It needs to excel in at least one of these categories. Look at Micose. He usually does stuff that is way out of the norm for this site and he gets recognized when it is intriguing, beautiful, or a clever idea, etc. I believe this site is < for the most part, honest in their opinions. If you try and sell a bunch of paintings at an art show and nobody buys them, you can't blame the people that did not buy them. I have seen many people give up because they decided to blame others instead of looking inward and I do believe that they do themselves a great injustice by not trying to look at themselves or listen to others advice. You can't take anything personal here. You should take the comments with a grain of salt and decide for yourself weather they are right or not, but be careful not to close yourself to critique. Maybe it's not the others that are being "closed minded", as you said. Wink
This is not a judgment on you or your work. I think you are doing just fine. It is just my opinion to these thoughts. Peace and keep on choppin'. Hug

I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.

Location: Rochester, New York

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:12 pm   Reply with quote         

mikey wrote:
This site is in my opinion half photoshop/ half art. one can look at a photoshopped image and critique it according to how well done the image is realism wise" then of course there is the originality factor, idea, theme, execution ect... what qualifies as a photoshopped image? I believe it's how real you can make it look.
anything else is art for art's sake. to sum up; comment on what the person did with the source and how well they used their skills to achieve the result. also how they used the tools in photoshop which are many, and I believe should be used to the fullest. channels, blending modes, pen tool, masking, all the good stuff!
now about the winning thing, I wish I knew why and how certain images seem to top the charts consistently. because they are not always as good as people think, in my opinion. on the other hand some entries are way under voted!? ~ by the way, anybody need the services of an under rated starving artist/ graphic designer/ musician? Laughing Shocked Cool Wink

Well put Mikey.

What I do constantly is look through all the profiles of the members. (Especially the old timers)
There you will see originality and skill. Look at how the comments were back then. You will get an idea what is considered creative and out of the box thinking.

Honestly Cheryl, you're work is good and I always look forward to see what you come up with.
If I may give some advice, advice that was given to me, do not try to copy what others do. Stick with and build on your own personal style.


Location: In a world of $#!t

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:25 pm   Reply with quote         

I agree with ReyRey Very Happy

I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.

Location: In a world of $#!t

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:28 pm   Reply with quote         

Don't listen to ReyRey! Twisted Evil He's an asshole! These people are all out to get us! I know it! (pulling his hair out of his own head while biting his own hand till it bleeds) They are watching me Shocked I know it. Hmmm

I try to think, but nothing happens. rock!! Wherever you are.
I keep checking the obituaries to see if my name is there. If it's not, then I figure I'm ok.

Location: The United Kingdom!

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:31 pm   Reply with quote         

It's crap do it again...



Location: Rochester, New York

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:32 pm   Reply with quote         

Rey Rey, I do agree with you.

Actually, I have taken all of your advice and applied it in getting better with my chops.

Also, when you, and a few other top choppers do not give me a vote on one of my entries, I know and realize I have much more to learn and improve on. Only when I receive votes, then do I know it must have been a good chop.


Location: Everywhere

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:42 pm   Reply with quote         

Heinlein wrote:
mikey wrote:
This site is in my opinion half photoshop/ half art. one can look at a photoshopped image and critique it according to how well done the image is realism wise" then of course there is the originality factor, idea, theme, execution ect... what qualifies as a photoshopped image? I believe it's how real you can make it look.
anything else is art for art's sake. to sum up; comment on what the person did with the source and how well they used their skills to achieve the result. also how they used the tools in photoshop which are many, and I believe should be used to the fullest. channels, blending modes, pen tool, masking, all the good stuff!
now about the winning thing, I wish I knew why and how certain images seem to top the charts consistently. because they are not always as good as people think, in my opinion. on the other hand some entries are way under voted!? ~ by the way, anybody need the services of an under rated starving artist/ graphic designer/ musician? Laughing Shocked Cool Wink

Well put Mikey.

What I do constantly is look through all the profiles of the members. (Especially the old timers)
There you will see originality and skill. Look at how the comments were back then. You will get an idea what is considered creative and out of the box thinking.

Honestly Cheryl, you're work is good and I always look forward to see what you come up with.
If I may give some advice, advice that was given to me, do not try to copy what others do. Stick with and build on your own personal style.

Thanks for the advice Jim, I will definately try it. And thanks for the positive feedback.

I definitely do not copy and I am building on many different styles as I go along here, which is turning out nicely to my surprise. I like to be different and I like when I see something different here too. I take most critiques here very lightly and I also consider the advice I get, because after all I still do have a lot to learn. But, sometimes it gets a little annoying when different people tell you repeatedly,"hey, it's a nice image, but it would look better if it looked more like this persons or this piece." I have been going to school for this stuff for a couple years now and I know how rough it can be in this field because of the competition, but I figure if I succumb to the norm and what is popular I will never be original. Look at Picasso's work, he didn't become popular overnight and he took many criticisms before his work was accepted. Not that I am a Picasso, but it helps me understand this is going to be a long hard fight, but I am always up for a challenge Wink



Location: Somerville MA

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:44 pm   Reply with quote         

Rey Rey's out to get me!!! Shocked Laughing Good honest wisdom you do speak Rey. Wink I have a question?...why didn't they buy my paintings at the art show!!! Laughing Cool


Location: Everywhere

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:45 pm   Reply with quote         

Marx-Man wrote:
It's crap do it again...

Twisted Evil Razz


Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:57 pm   Reply with quote         

I'm out to get ReyRey...not Marco.

Twisted Evil

(and keep up the good chops Cheryl...)

Site Moderator

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:14 pm   Reply with quote         

Sorry, I don't understand the question. Is it:
a) someone said "you should try to make your entries look like ReyRey's"
b) you didn't get the votes you deserved on a particular entry
c) the average Joe Q. PSCuser does not appreciate originality
d) all of the above Question


Location: Everywhere

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:15 pm   Reply with quote         

mikey wrote:
This site is in my opinion half photoshop/ half art. one can look at a photoshopped image and critique it according to how well done the image is realism wise" then of course there is the originality factor, idea, theme, execution ect... what qualifies as a photoshopped image? I believe it's how real you can make it look.
anything else is art for art's sake. to sum up; comment on what the person did with the source and how well they used their skills to achieve the result. also how they used the tools in photoshop which are many, and I believe should be used to the fullest. channels, blending modes, pen tool, masking, all the good stuff!
now about the winning thing, I wish I knew why and how certain images seem to top the charts consistently. because they are not always as good as people think, in my opinion. on the other hand some entries are way under voted!? ~ by the way, anybody need the services of an under rated starving artist/ graphic designer/ musician? Laughing Shocked Cool Wink

Nice! I will definately have to keep that in mind since you put it so well Smile Ditto on that last sentence, except replace musician with photographer, haha.



Location: Everywhere

Post Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:19 pm   Reply with quote         

vokaris wrote:
Sorry, I don't understand the question. Is it:
a) someone said "you should try to make your entries look like ReyRey's"
b) you didn't get the votes you deserved on a particular entry
c) the average Joe Q. PSCuser does not appreciate originality
d) all of the above Question

It has nothing to do with votes or winning, it has everything to do with comparing images and appropriate critiquing.


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