Just want to share my experience in starting your own business with all who are thinking over this big step in life. You need:
- Enough money to get through the first two or three years
- Ideas for getting clients
- Some skills with CS
- Partner-companies that can produce your jobs (like printing, making signs, etc.) and grant you special conditions
- Some knowledge about producing, to find out what is possible and the best way for you and your clients (your partners will assist you)
- Skills in networking and acquisition
- A cheap place from where you can work, f.e. your own flat for the beginning to keep fix-cost low.
I think thats it. Nothing impossible at all. So, before you waste years of your life as an employee that works for rich people, try to get on your own feet, and get all the cash for your own. We are lucky to work in a business, that does not need so much capital for getting started. Most of the things you will need you might have already, and knowledge is something you can get on job too. I started my business last May, the first months were hard and I often wanted to quit and get a job again. But there was this moment in January, when the first two bigger clients came to me, and with them came the needed success and self-esteem, to look into the future optimistic. Maybe these words help someone out there to find his/her own better life!
I also want to thank all who helped me with their feedback and support in this great place!