PSC News Center
Merry Christmas!
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Posted on 12/24/2008 @ 6:21 pm, by Procyon read & comment (1) Christmas is just around the corner and PSC would like to wish all its members and their families a merry christmas. I personally will be celebrating with my family. I finished my christmas shopping only a few hours ago and am now hoping for a few quiet days! The malls were hectic! Again happy holidays to everyone!
Server Backup
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Posted on 12/07/2008 @ 3:22 pm, by Procyon read & comment Yesterday I purchased backup hosting for the server as the server's hard drive is almost full. I don't think anybody will be affected, but it might be a bit slow at some points until next week. This is because backups are done 3x per week and need to start from scratch on the backup server. After that only incremental changes are sent to the backup server.
4th Annual PSC Kris Kringles
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Posted on 12/02/2008 @ 7:44 am, by dbbowling read & comment "4th Annual PSC Kris Kringles"
Server Upgrade
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Posted on 10/06/2008 @ 8:14 pm, by Procyon read & comment (14) Good news. I've sent off the ticket to upgrade the server. I realize it has been slow for way too long. I apologize for that. I am not sure if there is any downtime or not, as I haven't heard back. (It's only been a few minutes.)
Server Issues
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Posted on 09/18/2008 @ 11:53 pm, by Procyon read & comment (4) There have been some server issues, which impacted the performance of the PSC website. I'm monitoring the server and will continue to do so tomorrow. I have disabled 2 features which were using up some resources during the day. It should be a bit better, but maybe not enough for it to be completely stable. Sit tight!
Find PSC New Sponsors
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Posted on 09/15/2008 @ 1:34 am, by Procyon read & comment (1) PSC is currently looking for new sponsors. If you would like to see specific photoshop related products to be given away on PSC, then send me a PM with the link to the product. I can't guarantee the manufacturer will sponsor a contest, but the least I can do is ask.
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Posted on 09/11/2008 @ 2:01 pm, by Procyon read & comment I've been trying my best to distribute all prizes which PSC still owes to prize winners. However, prize sponsors don't necessarily let me know when/if prizes were distributed. Please PM me if you haven't received your prize and I will contact the sponsors again to confirm it was sent out.
We are aware of Forum Issues
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Posted on 09/09/2008 @ 10:25 pm, by nancers read & comment (1) Many people (including the mods) are experiencing error messages when attempting to post in Forums this evening. We are aware of the issues and will work on resolving them as soon as possible.
Reunion Contest- A Memorial For a Former PSC Member
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Posted on 08/21/2008 @ 8:56 pm, by Procyon read & comment (5) We at PSC like to remember our own.
A box from JMH
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Posted on 08/19/2008 @ 1:54 pm, by Procyon read & comment (3) I've received a box full of Photoshop applications from JMH. He was supposed to send it last year, but it's better than never. I will add the software to the daily contests unless you guys have a better idea: |
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Adobe, the Adobe logo, Adobe Photoshop, Creative Suite and Illustrator are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. PSC Time 8:54 am EST |