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OOoooo its nearly out so a royal digital style based on the saw website was in order. see how many things i anchored in there bedises my name. you may need to refreash

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badcop badcop
This isn't my style but Marcoballistic would get 40+ votes if he submitted this work.


Marx-Man Marx-Man
all source... vector and pen tab
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
I see nothing but a bunch of scattered words...not very visually appealing...and NO SOURCE.
cafn8d cafn8d
Unfortunately, when you distort the source too much, OVER-work it, it becomes unrecognizable--and I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing the source in this (as of this comment). I made the same mistake in one of my early chops. Something to keep in mind. :)
blue_lurker blue_lurker
Ok trying to find the source...the other copy idea is ok but as I said not overly original...but hey Im just an electricain what the f do I a psd so I can see the work would help me to understand
bigbuck bigbuck
This is a really interesting is the concept?
Marx-Man Marx-Man
top left behind the word saw. the overlay grunge is the plug. The urinals again the background of the plug. the tiles each of em the plug filled in like i said all source vector pen and pent tool if its not black or drawn in its the source
Marx-Man Marx-Man
ahenm the bath the onlything that isnt the plug is the faint corese on the left yes thats right folks there is alot of saw connotations in this (its a good movie)
Marx-Man Marx-Man
ahem and the bath, the only thing that isnt the plug is the faint corpse on the left yes thats right folks there is alot of saw connotations in this (its a good movie)
Marx-Man Marx-Man
have you never watched saw 1 its the bathroom dr gordon and adam are trapped in.
blue_lurker blue_lurker
yeah ok see it now but a little to obscure for me, keep tryin mate it takes a while to get the hang of this place
Eve Eve
get the "hang" of this place. Oh!
Michel Michel
Where are the squirrels, has anybody seen the squirrels?
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
I've got all the squirrels...and this sooo odes not look like the bathroom...I do however FINALLY see the source in the top RIGHT of the image...but it looks randomly placed over this premade image...and THIS is why you have no votes as of yet.
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Oh...BULLSH*T Badcop...Marco wouldn't get 1 for this...Gimme a break. Don't vote for him just because you feel sorry for him...that people "are attacking him"...PUH-LEASE!
Marx-Man Marx-Man
you make a fair point badcop. "but it looks randomly placed over this premade image" Thanks pharoh considering how much time i spent on it i am glad it looks like that (means all the additions of the plug componants fit welll enough to look borrowed)
badcop badcop
This came in second place recently with 46 votes:
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
No, looks like you took a premade image and just threw the source in there and some text...that's not a compliment...i can't see the image being made from the source
Paul Von Stetina Paul Von Stetina
If this game was to hide the source, then you win for sure Marx, I do see it, but it's not easy, good luck next time.

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by Marx-Man
Created October 14, 2006
1 votes   18 comments
800w x 600h (117KB)

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