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Foot Plant
Foot Plant
Was getting a little too rough and time consuming, had to get going before my wife was gonna kill me ;-)) A little more tweaking and it would have turned out perfect!

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TheShaman TheShaman
patim patim
This is very bright. A clear piece of art
delucx delucx
very nice :)
Azionite Azionite
macaboveu macaboveu
Granulated Granulated
It's delightful.
ScionShade ScionShade
I love weird chops.The lighting on this(flower face) is killing an otherwise supercool chop. Nice work!
FootFungas FootFungas
centurius centurius
larpman larpman
claudiolky claudiolky
interesting idea
bocek bocek
DKCdesigns DKCdesigns
Pretty damn great as is ... nice work on the glass.
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
I like it
BroChris BroChris
Kansas Kansas
you got a little toe jam
billtvshow billtvshow
Very nicely done, looks very well thoughtout and executed!
the202 the202
...and 1 for you
ReyRey ReyRey
Beautiful scene
the burning couch the burning couch
Real Good*!*
jimmy51 jimmy51
Very good
marcoballistic marcoballistic
like the composit uses of parts of the source
Megpowergirl Megpowergirl
Sliver Sliver
vokaris vokaris
I like the graphic look of the 'all PS work' parts. The background image doesn't work for me.
Claf Claf
Eepi Eepi
Michel Michel
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Very cool, looks great!
bigbuck bigbuck
dbbowling dbbowling
Very nice work :D
Netwel Netwel
Love it!


Crowned Crowned
killing you softly with her words...:)

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 Foot Plant
by AlphaChannel
Created November 14, 2006
33 votes   1 comments
800w x 600h (121KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  1
idea  1
theme  2

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