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Photoshop Contest Entry #11474

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barnyard barnyard
blunt1 blunt1
I don't usually consider giving cd7 a vote cuz he gets the lions share, however I believe the quality of this picture outweights the petty jealousy of a newbie like me
Insomnia Insomnia
pgunn pgunn
Ah yeah, now your talk'n smooth.
lactose lactose
Funny and well done.
Chicken Chicken
God, I wish I was that suave!
scrolbar scrolbar
I just liked it...
carchase carchase
She only loves him for his mustache.
sleight sleight
bluefist bluefist
70's swank at it's finest.
R@tty R@tty
That has to be a Barry white album on the floor. funny stuff Ken.
dewking dewking
because i love it and you should be in the HOF for all three categories.. you filthy bastard!


kencd7 kencd7
kraabel kraabel
You missed something ... ahem, a border? How do you expect to get votes without one? As if.
kencd7 kencd7
I was going for the retro look, they didn't have borders in the 70's ;)
kraabel kraabel
good point. borders are one of those trendy things invented in the late 90's at the tail end of the dot-com boom.
Insomnia Insomnia
I dont understand this at all, but the coloring is very good.
todd todd
nice job tying all those parts together and keeping everything retro looking...
scrolbar scrolbar
ME rike. French canadian boy do good.
sleight sleight
Mmm, so sexy.

 Living Room
Living Room zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by kencd7
Created September 06, 2002
12 votes   8 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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