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Soze Soze
hahahahahaahah well done Dab.
CarlC CarlC
I'll never have this problem
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Audacity vote!


marcoballistic marcoballistic
firstly, Soze are you mad lol, secondly, good point Dabs, I thought this prize could have been sent via a registration number to download the full package. Any hardcopy prize I have won has taken ages to come, but downloadable only a day or so...
marcoballistic marcoballistic make sure you have checked the email you registered when you joined PSC, if still no joy, then I am amazed you are yet to recieve it.
TheShaman TheShaman
took me several months to get my one prize via email.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
speed of the puma puma puma
tadams tadams
It took a long time for me to receive a downloadable link for my prize winning as well. There shouldn't be contests with prizes if the awards cannot be made available within a week, the thrill of winning is gone and a prize 6 weeks later is moot.
Soze Soze
No Marco thanks, i'm not mad. If Dab is yet waiting for his prize this was the best thing to do (in my opinion) hahahahaaa
vokaris vokaris
where is the source?
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
This shoulda been PM'd to Proc or put into a forum thread.
polishmafia polishmafia
you could have sent the site owner a PM. this is just stupid. i say replace the prize with a lifetime ban for being dumb.
Grefix Grefix
this could have been done privately too, or even in the forum. Quoting: 'this is not encouraging new members' And this is?
dbbowling dbbowling
hmm...wonder if they sent it to the wrong db :P (goes and checks my mail for poser)
dabdi56 dabdi56
polishmafia--I did send an Email to the owner several timesn, IM trying to make a point so this dosen't happen to anyone else. you shit head!
volkswes volkswes
haha@polish shithead
Vlad Vlad
Way, way back when I won a contest I got an email with the download link within a couple of days.
Granulated Granulated
i got my prize 2 weeks before the contest opened
tadams tadams
Proc was pronto on sending a congrat email but never responded to a followup three weeks later. Polishmafia: What should be the prize for not answering a PM, let alone several?
tadams tadams
Dabdi couldn't you have worked in the source with a text message on it with something like "call me day or night"? You could even scribble it :0
photoshop_dee photoshop_dee
:s this is no good ! hope you get it soon dabdi !
marcoballistic marcoballistic
the other issue that I don't think can be sorted out, is I won 3 of Queen La Tiff's Photoshop brush/shape and technique cd's total value something like $70. I eventually recieved notification from the Royal mail here in England that they had arrived...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...however they were holding them until I paid the tax to both themselves and mainland customs for being sent from the U.S. This however totalled over $85... over the price of the software, and I duely did not take up the offer, for I did not agree...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...with such an outlandish tax policy. So with software it is always better to send via email, I have no idea why it isn't promt though.
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
promt = prompt. Tsk Tsk, Marco. Pour spelling.
yello_piggy yello_piggy
Thats why I avoid winning a prize, successfully so long 8-D
Less than Zero Less than Zero
And I just avoid, Really Dab- good luck to ya...

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by dabdi56
Created April 16, 2007
3 votes   24 comments
970w x 960h (320KB)

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