**UPDATE** PLEASE REFRESH BROWSER* These are versions of Kenyan orniments/vase that my parents had when I was very young. They lived in Kenya for 6 years just before I was born. Please view big, and see comments for my personal ramblings ;oP |
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For more info, the orb is a 3/4 cut of a paper weight my father had, not sure if he still has it. And the vase is an interpretation of a vase my mother had that sat in our bathroom until I was about 15, it got broken lol, not by me ;oP honest
I was obviously restricted by the source, but it is very similar to how I remember them. I always liked the clear glass with the colour ribbed glass contained within the vase. I really wanted to find an image I could link...
Less than Zero
uh-huh, sure...not by you, lol'
...unfortunately, alot of Kenyan artifacts, and arts were original one offs, I will attempt to dig a photo out from a family album though. Enjoyed doing this, as it meant something to me from my childhood. ok done blubbing ;oP carry on
lol it wasn't me... I think ;oP
interesting fact: My sister was born just before they went in '73, I was born just after they got back in '80, we were nearly both Kenyan... that would have been different lol
Kenyan Retro Ornaments
by marcoballistic
Created August 31, 2007
39 votes
880w x 960h (243KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
1 |
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5 |
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0 |
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1 |
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