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"Stacheldraht, mit Tod geladen, ist um unsre Welt gespannt. Drauf ein Himmel ohne Gnaden sendet Frost und Sonnenbrand. Fern von uns sind alle Freuden, fern die Heimat, fern die Fraun, wenn wir stumm zur Arbeit schreiten, Tausende im Morgengraun.

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tadams tadams
This looks interesting. I like the colors and the soft edges. I am confused by the thin rectangle with the spot of white at it's top. What is it?
abraham abraham
nice, i like the color
Govan Govan
Good one;-)
manic_d manic_d
Eve Eve
I think that represents the chimneys of the concentration camps. Eerie image, Wiz
wowowow this is awesome!!!
j58roldan j58roldan
Granulated Granulated
joecrowaz joecrowaz
Ravelant Ravelant
pollyO pollyO
Mir Mir
very strong work wiz
Tesore Tesore
welan welan
freedom vote
Martrex Martrex
candermac candermac
Strong feeling, good job
Heinlein Heinlein
podgorski podgorski


manic_d manic_d
I will most always vote when you leave off all the webtext. Your art doesn't need all that extra stuff and is good enough to stand by itself... this is nice Wiz.
Wiz Wiz
'It is in fact the inside of a Concentration Camp Memorial at Dachau. One feels like they're at the bottom of a well, with a bronze metal structure reaching up to the hole in the ceiling and the sky above!"
Wiz Wiz
"BTW: The words underneath are the lyrics of a song written by an inmate of the Camp, I think he was a German Jew in Dachau, he didn't survive!" :-(

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by Wiz
Created September 28, 2007
18 votes   3 comments
729w x 960h (474KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  0
idea  1
theme  3

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