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Photoshop Contest Entry #12879

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rkrazor rkrazor
Very nice, wish i could come up with idea's like these
StrayPix StrayPix
Ken clone!
Insomnia Insomnia
I hate you. I hate giving you votes. I hope you choke on your mouse. ;)
evacsoul evacsoul
here's a vote for those who couldn't... ah heck, i would've voted for this anyway :O)
peterpan peterpan
I am voting for logic2i.
Sloth Sloth
renes300 renes300
guess she wouldnt vot for his image...
Jolt Jolt
lmnoYO! lmnoYO!
Yep, I heard you tell her to shut up! TWICE!! Now it's learnin' time!
Chicken Chicken
Cocksucker :)
joerilla joerilla
very nice
leif leif
... i hate you
alzeke alzeke
L@rue L@rue
Good work, I really like the idea too :)
ED209 ED209
You da man, DJ! You da man!
dewking dewking
damn you! damn you and your friggin good posts! you want a vote? Fine... heres my vote! Hope your happy!
R@tty R@tty
really awsome!
kraabel kraabel
I'm bored with your posts. Try something next time that isn't entertaining, well executed and first-class quality.
Wett Wett
great job
bluefist bluefist
What Kraabel said.... ;-)
Bacalhau Bacalhau
Nice idea!
phrosty phrosty
this rules total ass :)
scrolbar scrolbar
kristy kristy
I love it!!!!!
wow...what a story in one pic
jerneedo jerneedo
...and yet, another great job!
Gravybag Gravybag
best one


logic2i logic2i
Hey bro, I would have voted for yours but the site wouldn't let me vote. Maybe someone can vote in my place.
Sloth Sloth
he's a very happy hostage taker. btw... this is awesome. great idea, spectacultar execution
d0m1n10n d0m1n10n
great job.
d0m1n10n d0m1n10n
what is the deal with you must post 10 valid pics to vote thing.
exaussie exaussie
Another good one! Great idea!
blamm blamm
Brilliant. Seriously.
psx2tom psx2tom
MLCarter MLCarter
HAHAHAHA Oh that's too funny! That's great!
16ozBud 16ozBud
I REALLY would have voted for this but I cant vote, this place is now communist!
jerneedo jerneedo
...and yet, another great job!

 WDVE's Jim Krenn
WDVE's Jim Krenn zoom

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 [untitled entry]
by djdrigo
Created September 30, 2002
27 votes   10 comments
w x h (8,640KB)

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