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Learning To Fly [GIF]
Learning To Fly [GIF]

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Anke Anke
hahaha!!! great gif!
kat1983 kat1983
marcoballistic marcoballistic
or clap perhaps ;oP
Granulated Granulated
winner by...hmmmmm..I guess about 25-odd ?
Govan Govan
Very nice;-)
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
NikolaiDK NikolaiDK
pollyO pollyO
Cool GIF!!! :)
Salvezza Salvezza
sweet gif
vokaris vokaris
Excellent moves. I love the head bop.
Stevster Stevster
abraham abraham
very nice gif
pakimo pakimo
original and good idea, and smooth gif :-)
Wiz Wiz
Eve Eve
lol!!! So cool!
Martrex Martrex
jkmansell jkmansell
CarlC CarlC
fly or they'll make boots out of you
bigbuck bigbuck
318830 318830
annajon annajon
Ilovemylife77 Ilovemylife77
welan welan
Mel47 Mel47
brillient and so funny....
JClark8220 JClark8220
badcop badcop
great :)
mikey mikey
Happy, happy! ~ joy, joy! :-)
hah cute one ;)
ReggieNoble2 ReggieNoble2
vunt van pumununt vunt van pumununt
betdoval betdoval
stive stive
delucx delucx
lol nice! :)
MindGraph MindGraph
great! Not used to gifs by you. Great look to it!
Relic Oboogie Relic Oboogie
Just the right amount of Gay....
max&roro max&roro
Mir Mir
love it! great gif!
Tesore Tesore
gbrmzrs gbrmzrs
:-@dolly :-@dolly
Soze Soze
hero hero
Serps Serps
:) love it
rashdog rashdog
Heinlein Heinlein
the burning couch the burning couch
dewdew dewdew
Claf Claf
Anita Sanyal Anita Sanyal
yello_piggy yello_piggy
jrcftw88 jrcftw88
WhimSea WhimSea
and then what happenes daddy? :-) very cute
acemanoj acemanoj
ScionShade ScionShade
TheShaman TheShaman
GPoenicke GPoenicke


Eve Eve
you, sir, have been favoritized :)
billtvshow billtvshow
holy crap, hate i missed this contest, nice stuff!
creatrix creatrix
This is so.... cute! Look at their little smiles! :-)

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 Learning To Fly [GIF]
by anfa
Created November 08, 2007
57 votes   3 comments
550w x 413h (465KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  5
humor  7
idea  5
theme  0

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