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Salvezza Salvezza
Looks like fun!
lancoma lancoma
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
ece ece
welan welan
billtvshow billtvshow
yay :)
jerry717 jerry717
Nice! ;)
mrchili mrchili
brenda brenda
annajon annajon
Book me for the seasonal long weekends untill Easter
pollyO pollyO
Granulated Granulated
ReyRey ReyRey
Slick. Who's the dork with the guitar?
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
gsenthil gsenthil
oinsain oinsain
JClark8220 JClark8220
CarlC CarlC
mikey mikey
Oh ya very good! :-) do you know A horse with no name? ;-)
nicely done ;)
Wiz Wiz
"Nice integration & colourisation!"
Draco Draco
max&roro max&roro
Heinlein Heinlein
Serps Serps
Nice work
EpyxNykee EpyxNykee
gabriela2006 gabriela2006
Juhenry81 Juhenry81
Mel47 Mel47
yello_piggy yello_piggy
:-@dolly :-@dolly
bigbuck bigbuck
Soze Soze
well done
Martrex Martrex
lorys lorys
hellraiser hellraiser
Very good!
grokht grokht
Krank Krank
Q. What do you call a musician without a girlfriend? A. Homeless.
WhimSea WhimSea
te he he "dork with no name" --- nice too meet you! :-) I hope your shack is flame proof! nice entry (I mean the contest entry... not the front door) :-)
Tesore Tesore
Netwel Netwel
gbrmzrs gbrmzrs
stive stive
Luxwiz Luxwiz
nice one that a C Major you're strumming? ;)
geeren geeren
Gort Gort
very nice
abraham abraham
anabrin anabrin
the burning couch the burning couch
Yep..real good*!
dewdew dewdew
Cambria Cambria
nice mood
Eve Eve
this will be your 1st win? :)
acemanoj acemanoj
podgorski podgorski
Eragon Eragon


Man With No Name Man With No Name
Rey, it's the Dork With No Name!
Man With No Name Man With No Name
Mikey, LOL.
Man With No Name Man With No Name
Luxwiz, yeah, I think you're right. That's right before I play the G demolished! :P
Eragon Eragon
congrats to your first win
annajon annajon
Cumbaya on your own, congrats on the win, Man with no Name, and maybe you can change your name to WONONE
Heinlein Heinlein
Congrats on your first! I am sure we will see many more form you. Excellent work!!!
Salvezza Salvezza
congrats :)
Man With No Name Man With No Name
Thanks everyone for the votes and kind words. It's my first win, and I'm really psyched! WOOOO HOOOOO! Doing the happy dance :)
max&roro max&roro
congrats :)
pollyO pollyO
Congrats!! :)
mikey mikey
congrats on the win ;)
Martrex Martrex
Congrats! Too bad he's all alone there on the beach. Singing the blues, maybe?
Soze Soze
Congrats Man. beautyfull work
Granulated Granulated egg on my face....maybe some eggnog isntead,,and down my neck instead !!! well done :D
anabrin anabrin
Congrats on a beautiful first win!! :)
holder holder
Congratulations on your first win!
the burning couch the burning couch
well awlright....Grats on yur first*!*

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by Man With No Name
Man With No Name
Created December 05, 2007
56 votes   18 comments
1280w x 960h (504KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  2
execution  11
humor  0
idea  4
theme  1

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