remember, he can't spell the word nuclear, either...
to change a bad chop to a political chop is a bad thing to do, .ppl have asked me to remove thier votes now and i will do gladly, might even remove your post
wtf? Heck I can't tell if you for real or not. ? ? ?
He's for real. I didn't vote for this, nor would I. You should have posted this as a separate entry and left your original as it was.
Tawiskaro He's for real. I didn't vote for this, nor would I. You should have posted this as a separate entry and left your original as it was. To explain what has happened here goes. #1 I first posted a crap chop and as soon I saw it on screen and
and as soon I saw it on screen and within however long it took for the new post to replace the old one YOU Tawiskaro had placed your vote. Sorry for the inconvenience for having look like you support this type of hummer, but it was by no intensions to do
I had made two chops for this contest and really don’t like double dipping if one is better than the other, an since I had immediately replaced the post I didn’t figure any harm had been done.
So sorry to offend you Tawiskaro. But I don’t apologize for the post. If you can get you vote removed from here BY ALL MEANS DO SO! But to have an entire post removed is crazy especially in this instance.
Do you know how to do the right thing? Are you the same "Jess the Fish" who left here about a year ago? If so, you certainly know how to delete images. If not, I suggest you repost this as a separate entry and replace the above image with a blank.
You get to have your cake and eat it, too.
good work still do not like bush though. somewhere in the world a village is missing their idiot