Please click larger! 'painted' from scratch on the blank canvas! please let me know what you think! (all came from the top of my head somewhere...!) |
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If you "indeed" did this in whole, by hand then I would pay to see something you've done with a paint brush, pastels or oils. Good work...
I did indeed do the whole thing by hand! - but, I haven't picked up a paintbrush in years or oil pastels for years (although I love oil pastels) - I'm hooked on the digital painting!! - thank you for your compliment, perhaps I should start painting agai
This one will definitely be fav'd. Love it! Some canvas texture would be nice though...
good portrait
I thought this was a good effort, but the use of black as shadowing put me off - shadows in wrrong place and looked like she'd been rummaging in charcoall! Rule of painting, try to use other colours to make black/darks as avoid looking grubby... :o)
I thought this was a good effort, but the use of black as shadowing put me off - shadows in wrrong place and looked like she'd been rummaging in charcoall! Rule of painting, try to use other colours to make black/darks as avoid looking grubby... :o)
Joski, great work on this!
Thanks, guys for all your votes/comments. In response to mellowdesign, I did, in fact avoid using black as black can look too harsh (I learned this from my father - an architect, and my uncle (pro artist!). I used browns/charcoals instead - but they do
look black, I agree. The thumbnail looks crap, and agreed - dirty - but if you click large, I am pleased with the result. There are shadows in the wrong place, but I had no photographic reference for this picture, I made it up - completely from
my imagination. I do, however, value your opinion - and your comments have been taken on board ;)
my imagination. That said, I value your opinion - and your comments have been taken on board. :)
(and I somehow managed to leave a similar comment twice... duh!)
argh... I hate it, hate it!!! - I now look at this and cringe... I thought it was good at the time, but really, really don't like it now!!!!
Painting on canvas
by joski7
Created November 24, 2008
21 votes
1279w x 959h (455KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
3 |
humor |
0 |
idea |
0 |
theme |
0 |
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