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Twisted (Updated)
Twisted (Updated)
Ext. :20 of my photos are used. [img] Updated the center melted look. Tried to get a clean twist. Please refresh.

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mohua76 mohua76
irgum irgum
saiyan saiyan
mrchili mrchili
bigbuck bigbuck
amosseow amosseow
grecomite grecomite
buckie74 buckie74
egz egz
You've done it again
yello_piggy yello_piggy
DarkMagician DarkMagician
nice TJ
spikelmalo spikelmalo
good execuiton!
jerryhami jerryhami
Tea Man Tea Man
nice job
rockyjob rockyjob
jazpur jazpur
gramps gramps
Napalm32 Napalm32
nice Todd
anabe anabe
st1n3r st1n3r
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
Brilliant method to achieve the twist! Never woulda thought of that myself.
Mel47 Mel47
koorio koorio
malnsk malnsk
kiikerce kiikerce
Tommeken Tommeken
bogonet bogonet
Now is better, i like it
Meeshoo Klan Meeshoo Klan
YerPalAl YerPalAl
You're really twisted, man. :-)
TheShaman TheShaman
sonic3 sonic3
Very nicely done TJ
conaircan. conaircan.
daKimmer daKimmer
Tesore Tesore
nevet nevet
Granulated Granulated
Special prize for most ridiculously long-winded method I've ever seen on this site. I'll have some of what you're smoking, its clearly more potent than my stuff ! :D
pollyO pollyO


rockyjob rockyjob
I thought this was just an easy liquify, was very wrong... Excelent work an execution.
Thanks RockyJob!
jerryhami jerryhami
Another Win for TJ good job man
@ Granulated, Don't like my shit....... Don't vote for my ridiculously long-winded entries! Please PM me on this if needed. Cheers to you.
Granulated Granulated
sorry !

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 Twisted (Updated)
by TJ
Created August 19, 2009
38 votes   5 comments
1280w x 960h (494KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  13
humor  1
idea  0
theme  0

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