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Knight Sailor...
Knight Sailor...
Looks better on big. Updated lighting, Hoff, splashes & texture. For fun here are the stages of work: [img]

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Starman Starman
DaVinci DaVinci
Ha, very good Mark! Love this idea and the stages of work is a nice extra touch!
seelcraft seelcraft
Good! Could use a bow wave (unless he's just pitching the boat for a publicity shot).
spikelmalo spikelmalo
Good work! I agree with Rey Rey..
Tommeken Tommeken
agree with reyrey but i love the idea and theme...i used to be a big fan of the knightrider when i was a little boy :)
JGJ Media JGJ Media
LOL...I love the sweeping red LEDs on the front...go Kit go./...
lasky lasky
ReyRey ReyRey
By the way, you give the lamest excuses I have ever heard. You need some air let out of that big ole' head of yours. I'm done with you. Carry on with your half hearted chops.
zoleedarat zoleedarat
funny as hell!!! I love it!
koorio koorio
kinghackett kinghackett
Tesore Tesore
I have no time for this!!! It's about pictures, not a book! LOL...
Jake420 Jake420
Great entry and a even better fight lol entertaining stuff all around
soulrock soulrock
007 on journey....
carmine665 carmine665
daKimmer daKimmer
bogonet bogonet
david' size...hmmm, steering whell,...erm, boat and splashes.... hmm hmm... Rest is good :D:D
pollyO pollyO
Mel47 Mel47
Heinlein Heinlein
Very good Mark!
Martrex Martrex
anabe anabe
gets better and better, great entertainment value!!
abraham abraham
charliesou charliesou
TheShaman TheShaman
A crooked steering ego clash... This is actually perfect for Hoff!
MamaBallistic MamaBallistic
Napalm32 Napalm32
frost_byte frost_byte
badcop badcop
idea is king
YerPalAl YerPalAl
TofuTheGreat TofuTheGreat
UntExp UntExp
irgum irgum
L@rue L@rue


ReyRey ReyRey
That boat should be kicking up a rooster tail!! Inboard motor?? He's too big for that boat and is that steering wheel coming out of the middle of the dash on an angle??? That's gotta be F$#!#$! hard to drive that boat. Idea is great. Execution?? ehh
marcoballistic marcoballistic
god your a tool Rey, the angle of the steering wheel? what, it is straight, it is not a round one, it is more like a weird shaped aircraft one, and indeed similar to the one in knightrider....
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... and him being to big for the boat, thats the joke, he is not to big, it isn't a very big boat, it take the fact that the Hoff and his immense ego is still in love and far too big for the knightrider theme now...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... People say Mark, don't explain everything, and look what always happens, 99 out of 100 times you rock up and say well, here is how I imagine I would do it, who cares what you think lol laughable sometimes it really is...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
...a bigger wave, fair enough thats your opinion too, I like it how it is, as it worked out how I wanted it too, all you have just said is personal opinion, so fair enough, you don't like it, that's all good...
marcoballistic marcoballistic
... But don't tell me how to do something or how something should be when its your opinion and you have missed most of the point. Anywasy, blah blah blah etc.
ReyRey ReyRey
I made valid points. Your just too dumb to see it.
ReyRey ReyRey
If I'm so wrong, how come most people agree with me. Put your ego away and fix the shit.
ReyRey ReyRey
Are you too good to do something wrong. You are a child sometimes. Sure I tease you sometimes but they are valid true comments. HES TOO BIG! THE STEERING WHEEL IS COMING OUT OF THE MIDDLE OF THE DASH! THE WAKE DOESNT FIT THE IMAGE! Fix it or don't!
ReyRey ReyRey
The boat also looks like it sitting an inch out of the water. How come the boat seat cuts off suddenly on the left?? You want me to keep going? I can. There is plenty to point out. He has this contrasty lighting on him yet the boat has none.???
marcoballistic marcoballistic
well I wont, because quite frankly you are wrong, your making some sort of comparison to what size boat, telling me my idea is wrong in your opinion. The right side of the steering wheel finishes under nearly his elbow, it is not in the middle
ReyRey ReyRey
Was he in a different room. The boat has no shape or lighting to it at all. It should be lighter on the right (it's right) Just like you hero Hasselhoff. Just like that poster on the wall in your bedroom.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
the amount you can see is also on the other side of his hand. why don't I admit I am wrong, I usually do when the points being made are actually correct!
ReyRey ReyRey
Should I keep going with the obvious or am I just being mean and picking on you? Fix the shit! Be a man for once.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
what a unbelievable tit
marcoballistic marcoballistic
your right, did this in 3 minutes and never gave a shit about the outcome!
ReyRey ReyRey
The only valid point you have is that you meant to make him big (bullshit) Did you not read all the other comments. The lighting on him does not even come close to being in the same world as the boat. Man, you are a child!
ReyRey ReyRey
"your right, did this in 3 minutes and never gave a shit about the outcome! " Now at least your being honest.
ReyRey ReyRey
If you spent as much time fixing as you did explaining it would be a masterpeice
ReyRey ReyRey
ReyRey ReyRey
f$#@$#@!!!@ I did it again!!!! I hate the f$#@$@#! buttons!! lol
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol, I want the comments record :P fine, ill look at it later, but he is the size he will remain, now breathe.... and your a pooface Rey lol
Granulated Granulated
why is it so dark at front of boat compared to rear ?
anfa anfa
Yeah, fix the bats!!!
tadams tadams
Good night, sailor.
marcoballistic marcoballistic
lol @ Tony
MamaBallistic MamaBallistic
Ha! "pooface" ... Mark you soft southerner! lol!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
that me :P
marcoballistic marcoballistic
ok Mr Ghey, correct everything in the world ever, now we are at peace, and no longer rely on money and personal gain to live and get one over on one another. :oP ahhhhh nothing like a big ass comment whoopin'
marcoballistic marcoballistic
original can be seen on the link :o)
rockyjob rockyjob
I love these Rey vs. Mark fights. You guys should charge for people to see them. Lotsa $$$. But the wheel is actually at an angle..
rockyjob rockyjob
...just sayin'.
ReyRey ReyRey
Case closed
Michel Michel
The first thought I had when I saw this was : "is it just me or the steering wheel is at an angle?"
carmine665 carmine665
You're all wrong. The steering wheel is crooked.
Claf Claf
Yeah... the steering wheel... but his left hand and also the arm aren't helping. Wrong angle, wrong position. He's look like more farting in the corner than riding his boat... :)
tophatpainter tophatpainter
The steering wheel is fine. The boat is crooked :p
bogonet bogonet
Rey is Mamahet alias? I didn't know that :)
DaVinci DaVinci
Wow, you got more comments than votes! Bravo =)
marcoballistic marcoballistic
aaaaaaand 40 comments :P
supak0ma supak0ma
the steering wheel is at an angle? just sayin'
seelcraft seelcraft
Congrats on a close second! How come when I beat you it's usually in a tie? :) BTW, I was wrong about the bow wave: checking some photos, I see that you did it right!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
cheers Doug :)
jasper jasper
hey, wtf? I did NOT see this when I was voting, how did it not come up? hmmmm? weird. here is my pseudo vote for your pseudo win. this chop gets the humor vote - errr - pseudo humor vote. I LOVE IT! (ps - not my fault it did not show up when voting!)
jasper jasper
ps - there really is technically a lot wrong with this image -tee hee.

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 Knight Sailor...
by marcoballistic
Created December 07, 2009
35 votes   45 comments
825w x 900h (175KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  3
humor  2
idea  5
theme  1

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