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Gateway From Hell...
Gateway From Hell...

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pollyO pollyO
Heinlein Heinlein
Here's my vote Mark! This will be a run away winner! This is great!
annajon annajon
Tesore Tesore
Super cool!
Starman Starman
very cool
koorio koorio
awesome. well done
Napalm32 Napalm32
Sanctuary Sanctuary
even though i hate spiders
Tommeken Tommeken
awsome scene ;)
Nice work Mark.
Hagen Hagen
Simply tremendous...! Love the fire in the middle of the image...! Great work...! +1
CarlC CarlC
hate it when that happens
anabe anabe
love this!
JGJ Media JGJ Media
sonic3 sonic3
Looks great
ece ece
vokaris vokaris
what? no comments?
daKimmer daKimmer
What Hagen said:)
abraham abraham
kinghackett kinghackett
lovely cafe
Mir Mir
nice work, with lighting and composition beauty all round.
Martrex Martrex
m0nk m0nk
kiikerce kiikerce
dunno dunno
so you made a b/w background with a fire? pffff... love the spider ;)
bigbuck bigbuck
spikelmalo spikelmalo
glennhanna glennhanna
frost_byte frost_byte
Awesome! Really the best :)
bogonet bogonet


MentalWard MentalWard
Sick! I'd love to vote for this.
rifqi.zhafirin rifqi.zhafirin
bloody hell!!! That's cool, so detail ahahh...
Michel Michel
It's really not the same when 2Rey doesn't comment. :(

Zehntstadel zoom

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 Gateway From Hell...
by marcoballistic
Created December 05, 2009
30 votes   3 comments
825w x 900h (253KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  11
humor  0
idea  1
theme  0

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