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Tiger's Therapy
Tiger's Therapy
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paulfdes paulfdes
Sh!Za Sh!Za
thats fantastic!
marcoballistic marcoballistic
perfect idea
annajon annajon
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Whopee !!!
Really nice, Claf.
Rangizzz Rangizzz
CarlC CarlC
Nice win
Sjitske Sjitske
Badabing badaboom! ;)
Michel Michel
Mettez-y du Tigre! Incroyable chop!
MonkeeDrummer MonkeeDrummer
Great work! Fav'd :D
claytonboi claytonboi
Eve Eve
neurotoxic neurotoxic
NButler NButler
j58roldan j58roldan
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
ReyRey ReyRey
TheLeftHand37 TheLeftHand37
Classic. Glad to see your back, I've seen your work, stunning to say the least.
Patre Patre
I really like the integration of Tiger's facial features, and the subdued color scheme. I also like the way you used the light which counters the melancholy theme and suggests a "ray" of hope.
Azionite Azionite
Wow, the resemblance is striking. Great chop!
badcop badcop
I like this even more than Patre
jasper jasper
TheShaman TheShaman
dude! stellar work!
Hagen Hagen
Haha...! Nice one Claf...! Nice to se you back with a Chop...! +1
Ammorio Ammorio
daKimmer daKimmer
dabdi56 dabdi56
tadams tadams
Very nice work. You may want to add the following addendum: "If you get caught!"
Jake420 Jake420
Sex is Great !!
L@rue L@rue
nat_g31 nat_g31
Nice work Claude! How did you get the painted effect so close to the original? FAVD. . .
Nice to see you chop again. If you need any help just PM me. Hahahaha!!! Fav'd :)
Tesore Tesore
Beautiful Claf :-)
anabe anabe
Wiz Wiz
"Welcome home Claf!"
charliesou charliesou
Doc_isme Doc_isme
pollyO pollyO
Tazztina Tazztina
Starman Starman
this is the greatest chop i have ever seen FAV'D
Tea Man Tea Man
bigbuck bigbuck
frost_byte frost_byte
volkswes volkswes
mawaho mawaho
When I first saw the source picture I thought of Tiger Woods and you have done it so well!
Govan Govan
Great work;-)
JGJ Media JGJ Media
Very funny!!!!
Dragon Dragon
bogonet bogonet
seelcraft seelcraft
TheWoRm TheWoRm
Great chop....Hilarious!
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
Nicely done!
Mir Mir
rolcs74 rolcs74
jazgraphic jazgraphic
Great! ;)
Martrex Martrex
supak0ma supak0ma
falloutgirl falloutgirl
HA! This has to win, very VERY nice work Claf (:
UntExp UntExp
YerPalAl YerPalAl
anfa anfa
Hehehe! Brilliant! :)


ReyRey ReyRey
Instant Clafsic
Patre Patre
I really like the integration of Tiger's facial features, and the subdued color scheme. I also like the way you used the light which counters the melancholy theme and suggests a "ray" of hope.
TheShaman TheShaman
Claf Claf
Nathan, I used stamp tool (10 + 15 px diameter) all over it with pen pressure control with my Wacom. Also it can be done with a mouse maybe at something around 30% opacity. No blur added. Thanks! :)
Claf Claf
Oh I forgot, also 0% hardness on stamp tool.
bogonet bogonet
I hope this win. ;)
nat_g31 nat_g31
Stamp tool??
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Well done, moosebro!!
Tesore Tesore
62! Now we're talking! Congrats Claf :-)
supak0ma supak0ma
Starman Starman
BIG CONGRATS Claf. im so proud in myself coming 2nd to you
Sweet win Claf! Congrats.
bogonet bogonet
Congrats Claf!!! Starman, do never forget: winner takes it all! ;)
Michel Michel
I want to know more about this Stamp Tool technique. Does it mean you just created a new layer where you displaced pixels around? Did you use the Normal mode?
ReyRey ReyRey
Badcop? Did you mean you liked it more than Patre does or that you like it more than you like Patre???? lol
the burning couch the burning couch
EvenifthisisanotheroneofthebiggestpiecesofcrapI'veeverseenIwouldavotedonit,butduetomyPSCvotingne glectasofrecent,Ifailed,sohereismylatebutnotslight,vote.....GreatStuff*!*
anabe anabe
congrats on a great win!!
mikey mikey
LOL & A HALF!!! :) Nicely done Claf!
Claf Claf
Thank you all for your comments & votes. :-)
Claf Claf
Michel & nat_g31, yes it is about a new layer, Normal mode + Sample: All Layers, I displaced pixels around... I defined new areas to clone at every single brushstroke... it make a soft effect, not too blur.
Claf Claf
But I forgot to mention I also added Paint Daubs filter effect (very softly) on another layer, and an Hue/Saturation adjustments layers for more contrast on some areas on forehead to complete the similar texture.
Claf Claf
I'll show the PSD file and some informations on a new thread... hopefully tonight... :-)
Jake420 Jake420
congrats Amazing work !
nat_g31 nat_g31
Congrats Claf, always a pleasure viewing your chops. Always close to flawless, infused with humor, often about current events, and the best is that you are not too arrogant to share with others. Well done!
rockyjob rockyjob
I have some hopes for this place again.

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 Tiger's Therapy
by Claf
Created April 06, 2010
62 votes   25 comments
1021w x 900h (331KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  12
humor  5
idea  2
theme  0

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