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string art?
string art?
I got a blister!

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Hagen Hagen
How did you manage to do that...! This is just awesome...! Other people should have a look at it...! It should be higher in the ranking in my opinion...! +1
seelcraft seelcraft
Wow! A lot of work!
NButler NButler
Funkiyo Funkiyo
Amazing...undervoted imo
Martrex Martrex
sonic3 sonic3
Someone has far too much time on thier hands :) Good work
photoshop freak photoshop freak
Lots of work, realistic and original, well done
jasper jasper
really really really nice work here. this is the kind of stuff I like to see around here!
Damn..... Fantastic work here and with NO advantage!! Well done.
Tesore Tesore
Real cool Mr. L.R. Nelson!!! ;-)
WhimSea WhimSea
i'd like to see a what part was used for what deal... do you have one?
soulrock soulrock
agree with the others!:)
tpsimer tpsimer
under voted, very nice
locxoul locxoul
neurotoxic neurotoxic


Mr LRNelson Mr LRNelson
Thanks everyone, it was a lasso nightmare!!
Mr LRNelson Mr LRNelson
Whimsea, I didn't understand your question!

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 string art?
by Mr LRNelson
Mr LRNelson
Created September 01, 2010
15 votes   2 comments
800w x 600h (43KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  4
humor  0
idea  2
theme  0

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