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Photoshop Contest Entry #17362

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Ayatolla Ayatolla
scrolbar scrolbar
He blowed up real good! Love the fuse!
L@rue L@rue
Hey Boooommmm Good job
yourmom yourmom
i like how his shoes are the only things that survive the blast ;-)
lbrd lbrd
to bad this is fake.
bluefist bluefist
Pretty damn good.
...good & GOOFY!
this rocks
jerry717 jerry717
oops, I forgot to vote for this yesterday. Great annimation.
steeev steeev
jasper jasper
Damn good and quick post for animation. Right on.


steeev steeev
nice one! :) Watch out though dewking will be posting shortly regarding optimization... ;-) In all seriousness though, perhaps we do need two separate forums, one for animated pics and one for still pics, as you wouldnt compare a photo with a film, tha
steeev steeev
or maybe not separate forums but maybe just separate categories...?
scrolbar scrolbar
Or maybe just post what you want…animated or not! :-)
steeev steeev
yeah that would be nice if everyone had broadband, but i reckon theres still a lot of people out there with dialup...
jerry717 jerry717
This is great. Screw the bandwidth police!
bluefist bluefist
Here, here...Jerry!
dewking dewking
bite me. I have a T1 at work and a cable modem at home, im not doing this because it takes forever to load, i do it to let people know that there is no need for a huge image. Just another part of learning about design and photoshopping. And i agree with s
jerry717 jerry717
Dewking: Since Photoshop includes the application Image Ready it is my opinion that animated gifs are as much a part of photoshopping as any image posted. Just because YOU don't like them or they are just a little to big for your liking dosn't mean that p
occecid occecid
Don't know what to say. The original is 3 megs. Optimizing brought it down to 420K. Tweaking for 20 minutes brought it down to 307K. I reduced the size to 70% adjusted the color levels and every setting I could find in Image Ready. If Dewking thinks
bluefist bluefist
First of all:
Jerry’s right — Image Ready DOES come packaged with Photoshop & is a companion tool, thereby it QUALIFIES as part of this. Hence, ‘Photoshop’ Contest.

Worth is going to expand their format soon to i
chrispis chrispis
I agree with blues fourth comment mostly, most of the times the're shitty done... take some time to make a nice one of it, please!
anonymoo anonymoo
i agree with his fifth comment ;)
but he forgot "gun-toting commie badass" (what's a "pinko"?)
occecid occecid
Bluefist, next time you post a comment, why not tell us what you really think! :-)

PS. You made my day!
bluefist bluefist
Just tellin’ it like it was. =D
AWESOME that really you?
occecid occecid
yourmom, I was afraid he would run away if he saw the fuse so I super glued them to the floor.

bluefist Yes that is me. Haven't had time to come up with a creative avatar that reflects my personality.
scrolbar scrolbar
occedid, My $.02, I think your animations are consitently among the best entered here!
occecid occecid
Thanks scrolbar. I was thinking of declaring Saturday as "Dewking animated gif" day. :-)
occecid occecid

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by occecid
Created January 05, 2003
10 votes   18 comments
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