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How is the water today?
How is the water today?

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Mel47 Mel47
papavales papavales
seamusoisin seamusoisin
Gorilla in a bathrobe vote
NButler NButler
irgum irgum
gramps gramps
annajon annajon
Martrex Martrex
wap2k wap2k
joj joj
Heinlein Heinlein
I like
sacredbunny sacredbunny
Sharp dressed primate vote
brutplatz brutplatz
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
charliesou charliesou
I was at that party...
sarina77 sarina77
nice outfit, love the perspective, ur so talented! :)
anabe anabe
stylish gorilla vote!
bourbon bourbon
BSmatic BSmatic
matttheo matttheo
Osvaldo Osvaldo
sonic3 sonic3
MikeDascola MikeDascola
nat_g31 nat_g31
mixauskas mixauskas
cher6877 cher6877
Zoeon Zoeon
m0nk m0nk
Totoy Totoy


sarina77 sarina77
nice outfit, love the perspective, ur so talented! :)
Zoeon Zoeon
overvoted, the robe is so blurry compairing the rest
Tesore Tesore
Oke people, come and take your votes back! TG there is a whole day left to NOT vote for this image. *Rolling eyes*.
Zoeon Zoeon
undervoted i ment tosay :) i bit more sharpnes on the robe would make this an exellent shop
Tesore Tesore
My life would be so much easier if everybody says what they mend to say. Thanks.
sacredbunny sacredbunny
Congrats, strange looking Elephant??? :)
matttheo matttheo
Congrats ;)
Zoeon Zoeon
Congrats again!!!!
gramps gramps
you have a great imagination, congratulations !!!
Martrex Martrex
Congrats yet again!
Tesore Tesore
@SB: Strange? D*mn... than I have used the wrong picture. Do you think others have seen it too? Thanks ;-)
Tesore Tesore
Thanks Matttheo and Zoeon.
Tesore Tesore
Thanks TJ, again!
Tesore Tesore
Thank you gramps! Do you think I need meds? Lol.
Tesore Tesore
Sorry Martrex, but thanks anyway :p
dwebb dwebb
OH NO! I was stuck with the 'honey-do list' over the weekend so I didn't vote in this contest or you'd definitely have one more vote! Congrats Paola :)
Tesore Tesore
At least your list says 'honey'! Thanks, dwebb ;-)
sarina77 sarina77
Congratulations on yet another win! You deserve everyone! I just noticed his belt hanging loose. :)
Tesore Tesore
Thanks Sarina!
joj joj

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 How is the water today?
by Tesore
Created February 14, 2012
31 votes   21 comments
900w x 675h (505KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  1
humor  2
idea  0
theme  0

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