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Wood toy car
Wood toy car
Changed background .. I hope it's a bit better: D

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TheShaman TheShaman
LOVE the car... hate the background. I get that there are roses in the original... But maybe make it black? To let the car stand on its own...
irgum irgum
agree with Shaman
grooverider grooverider
ditto what Shaman said. Really good.
Martrex Martrex
Evergreen Evergreen
Zoeon Zoeon
nice, agree with shaman
jcfreak6363 jcfreak6363
tpsimer tpsimer
Sì, sostituire schiena tonda
seelcraft seelcraft
raj_japsi raj_japsi
papavales papavales
jec0620 jec0620
sacredbunny sacredbunny
sarina77 sarina77
I like the little car...
Ivan Roujev Ivan Roujev
Yarilo Yarilo
charliesou charliesou
dwebb dwebb
bud1121 bud1121
bourbon bourbon
Monza Memories!! '08 and '11 with Seb on the top step!! Fantastic! Your wooden car is missing DRS - LOL. Kidding! GREAT JOB!! Love it!
Tesore Tesore


silentdead silentdead
hai ragione TheShaman, ma le rose e lo champagne sono simboli di vittoria nelle corse.. così ho pensato a questo.. condivido che sia troppo di contrasto lo sfondo bianco e il nero
silentdead silentdead
TheShaman you're right, but the champagne and roses are symbols of victory in the races .. So I thought of this .. I agree it's too contrast white background and black ..
TheShaman TheShaman
OK now I get what you're going for. but it just looks flat. Just my personal opinion... It would have way more pop w/o that background... Could be the eventual winner... But not with that bkgrnd.
TheShaman TheShaman
silent... this is worse now lol. the reflection on the floor doesn't match to the car. just make it black. You can put that f1 poster on the black background. Sometimes less is more. This has a chance to win if you'd just listen...
TheShaman TheShaman
Truthfully it was better before... if this was what you submitted, I probably wouldn't have voted for it...
silentdead silentdead
sono un geometra e uso photoshop a tempo perso.. non ho interesse a vincere.. accetto i consigli ma non le critiche..
silentdead silentdead
I am a surveyor and use Photoshop in his spare time .. I have no interest in winning .. I accept the advice but not criticism ..
TheShaman TheShaman
all good sd. Just trying to help you out. Not trying to be critical. keep the wall, lose the floor.

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 Wood toy car
by silentdead
Created April 06, 2012
24 votes   8 comments
800w x 600h (93KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  3
humor  0
idea  2
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