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How The...? UPD #9
How The...? UPD #9
Nail external. UD to fix shadows. UD; Added Red Text. UD; added drop shadows. UD to add some red. UD: Fixed light source. UD removed red. UD; added red back in. UD Reduced saturation; added lens flare. UD Nailed it.

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Mikeywizad Mikeywizad
Can't find the play button. Otherwise It's perfect! ;)
photoshopmaster jr photoshopmaster jr
seelcraft seelcraft
digitalpharaoh digitalpharaoh
Put the red back. It's all wrong now.
GuidedByPandas GuidedByPandas
This is very depressing. I don't know why I bother trying. I'm only a panda y'know. I don't even have real thumbs!! I can't compete with this genius. Is there a site? 8:)
Werdnaibor Werdnaibor
Fantastic updates. You might want to take the saturation down a bit.
johndownunder johndownunder
Was it a Bird was it an Airplane or Superman anything is possible in this pic how many more updates we have to wait and see as the image morphs.
Tommeken Tommeken
haha you've got my vote now :p
raj_japsi raj_japsi
Perfect - Unbelievable :)
Martrex Martrex
roger1 roger1
CatCongdon CatCongdon
Eve Eve
Fun chop vote
Ivan Roujev Ivan Roujev
Zoeon Zoeon


irgum irgum
the shadows and perspective are off ;)
Tesore Tesore
Whowww... all source!
Tesore Tesore
irgum irgum
Tesore Tesore
Damn we're funny people Irgum! Lol ;-)
irgum irgum
great minds :)
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
The Shadows are all off and the blue is not integrated very well, on a lighter note nice cleanup.
Werdnaibor Werdnaibor
Bullshit! Post your externals.
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
I would have named it "After the Hurricane" or " After the tornado" or how about "I've got the blues!" or "BLUE SKY SMILING AT ME- NOTHING BUT BLUE SKY DO I SEE!"
Cartoon Contractor Cartoon Contractor
How about " Color swatch!" courtesy of Lowes!
kinetic_be kinetic_be
cringer8 cringer8
lol CC, those would all be good titles. I wanted something that encapsulated the amazing feat pulled off in this chop :)
cringer8 cringer8
Nope Werd, this all source. I know; hard to believe. I can PM you my tutorial if you like.
kinetic_be kinetic_be
There goes your high PSScore :-)
cringer8 cringer8
Hahaha, I'm never worried about that :)
photoshopmaster jr photoshopmaster jr
photoshopmaster jr photoshopmaster jr
photoshopmaster jr photoshopmaster jr
cringer8 cringer8
Good call psmaster. I think this really helps shows the work done.
nat_g31 nat_g31
amazing. . . u could have added a drop shadow to text for a more "dynamic" feel. Nice chopping though Cringer!
kinetic_be kinetic_be
the burning couch the burning couch
I realize it's not your fault I've got stomach flu .... but, you now owe me a keyboard, jergoff*!*
kittie kittie
I think this might be TOO blue. I think it should have a little more red in it to kind of tie together the background and the text.
cringer8 cringer8
Not sure if that's what you had in mind, but what's done is done :)
cringer8 cringer8
TBC, you typed that comment in your own vomit? Go wash your hands! LOL
photoshopmaster jr photoshopmaster jr
the burning couch the burning couch
No...duhh...I typed that the second before I yakked on my keyboard. I'm just now typing on my vomit keyboard.*!*
Martrex Martrex
You did use the source!
the burning couch the burning couch
cringer8 cringer8
Your drop shadow is completely incorrect. You have the light source or sun from about the 2:00 position. Look at the original, the light source is clearly from the left. Otherwise fantastic work C8 and I'm a big fan of "photo-real" images too. Fav'd.
cringer8 cringer8
Thanks, TJ. I totally missed that. All fixed ;)
Tommeken Tommeken
don't like the glow mate other than that awesome work.... :p
cringer8 cringer8
Removed the red :)
cringer8 cringer8
Added the red back, digital pharaoh...
nat_g31 nat_g31
Oooooh! Fuckin' A that's a great update! U really nailed it!
Tommeken Tommeken
why not use a lens flare? it would be better AND then you've got my vote :p
Werdnaibor Werdnaibor
Nice, this is really coming together.
Eve Eve
gah! The lens flares look like nipples! Mods!!!!!!!!!!
cringer8 cringer8
lol Eve, it's the attack of the glowing flying nipples.
raj_japsi raj_japsi
You nailed it.. How about really nailing it ?
cringer8 cringer8
Nailed it, Raj :)
Mikeywizad Mikeywizad
I think what it really needs is a monkey in pink shoes with plaid socks ...and a pacifier ? ...snicker ! snicker !
Mikeywizad Mikeywizad
No worries LOL ...I know you CANT do that !
cringer8 cringer8
lol, Mikey. If I didn't have an idea for tomorrow's source, I would totally work on that ;)

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 How The...? UPD #9
by cringer8
Created July 06, 2012
15 votes   45 comments
1280w x 960h (256KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  7
idea  0
theme  0

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