Thank you for the tips to improve this piece guys, special thanks to The Shaman and Claf! |
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If you're not happy... maybe try a top layer and paint some of the highlights of the flames? not everywhere, just to pop it
sometimes... I really don't get this place. IMPO this should be leading by miles... but then again. thats my opinion... not that of the group... fantastic image anyway. & goes into my favorites.
Thank you so much for comments and votes, guys!! @The Shaman, i agree with you about the fire, i have some other pieces with fire but this one isn't good. But i'll leave this way, i'm to lazy for updates!!! Thank you so much for the tip, i appreciat
Hi Daniela! A little easy trick for the lazy ones... duplicate your merged image, change the blending mode of this new layer for overlay and isolate the fire with layer mask. It takes only 30 seconds. :-)
Guys, The Shaman, Claf, thank you so much for your effort in help me to improve this piece. Claf i follow your suggestion, i hope is better now! Thank you so much!
nice update Daen
Count To Extinction
by Daenerys
Created February 08, 2013
25 votes
1262w x 886h (478KB)
Voting Qualities
authenticity |
0 |
execution |
8 |
humor |
0 |
idea |
2 |
theme |
0 |
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