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Little Elephant
Little Elephant
source and ps...bit of a rush job on this

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silentdead silentdead
ho avuto un idea simile ma non ho avuto tempo per realizzarla. good lux!
Autobot Autobot
Tarmac Tarmac
irgum irgum
anabe anabe
that was my first idea, too!
corneel corneel
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
NButler NButler
Insomnix Insomnix
HE's so cute!
sarina77 sarina77
OneChiefRocker OneChiefRocker
seelcraft seelcraft
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Another monster? Nice.:-)
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Ammorio Ammorio


ShootHerman ShootHerman
Congrats! :)
seelcraft seelcraft
Tesore Tesore
Thanks ;-) Congrats and a Happy New Year, Lux.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
thank-you kindly Geir,Todd and Doug..btw Geir I hope Paola did't read your comment about my little elephant,her wrath like an elephant will smite you like a puny little bug ;D
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Happy New Year Paola... and Geir didn't really mean that about this little guy being a monster,he's just been having nightmares lately ;·)
anabe anabe
Congrats, Luis, and happy New Year!
Tarmac Tarmac
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Happy New Year Anna and Bob and to all you wonderful people here at PSC all the best in 2015 :)
Autobot Autobot
Congrats, dude :)
sarina77 sarina77
Luxwiz Luxwiz
cheers Autobot and Sarina, thanks :)

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 Little Elephant
by Luxwiz
Created December 28, 2014
16 votes   12 comments
1042w x 960h (346KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  0
humor  0
idea  1
theme  0

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