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Cartel - upd.
Cartel - upd.
upd. for Jelly ... yup I like this better thanks for your input

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shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
jellyplaster jellyplaster
I give you an old hippy vote:)
She@iT She@iT
Ha! Good one, Lux.
Kay Cee Kay Cee
Hehehe best one
Insomnix Insomnix
ShootHerman ShootHerman
;-) Good one.
Martrex Martrex
ck ck
dio dio


jellyplaster jellyplaster
Was it not Brown sugar? like the stones song?
She@iT She@iT
Drugs ar bad
Luxwiz Luxwiz
yeah brown sugar is heroin but I wanted to associate the name with the source so I kept pepper... could always change it to sugar for you though
Luxwiz Luxwiz
yeah well I agree drug "abuse" is bad... proper drug use like taking anti-biotics to cure an infection or morphine for relieving excruciating pain is good though..She@iT I´m not promoting drug use this is just an idea for a chop
She@iT She@iT
Yeah I know your not promoting anything bad. Im just saying there bad.
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
That was a speed chop contest as well.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
lol nice stash you got Shane... any orange barrels or window panes in there :D
Shadows on the coke lines make it seem like they are floating just above the table.
Pretty sure The Stones were not making a drug reference with Brown Sugar. Basically a rape song. I think.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
it´s heroin Chowdah,not coke...and heroin makes everything float :)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
...probably right but you know a lot of the stones songs have double meanings...anyhow brown sugar IS a slang name for heroin
Insomnix Insomnix
White lineeeees, vision dreams of passion.. Flowing through my miiinnndddd. and all the while I think of you..
Luxwiz Luxwiz
insomnix I can hear the music when I read your "lines" :)
blackfox blackfox
I don't know anyone who snorts heroin without dying. . . if it was coke, that'd be different.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
I don´t know anyone who snorts heroin period ...
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
I thought it was H and C. I never was into that scene when I was younger. I mostly smoked, dropped and went for hikes. Ha ha. I assume not many people hike on dope.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
I def. agree with you on the hikes,the best high is the great outdoors...dont need anything else really,well maybe a nice ice cold beer when you get back :)
She@iT She@iT
Luxwiz Luxwiz
thanks guys appreciate it :)
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Luxwiz Luxwiz
cheers Geir :)

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 Cartel - upd.
by Luxwiz
Created August 24, 2016
10 votes   23 comments
1272w x 954h (511KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
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humor  0
idea  1
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