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T-REX Rods
T-REX Rods
T- REX RODS: for the best in freshwater fishing,hard and stiff as they come,donīt let the big one get away... rod,line,rings, hook and sinker made from crane UPD. blurred tree

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Martrex Martrex
charliesou charliesou
Needs some rod bending action ...that's a hunka pike !
shane.e.randall shane.e.randall
nevet nevet
Nice idea :)
BSmatic BSmatic
vicspa vicspa
seelcraft seelcraft
The tuna and rod seem to be in selective focus. Makes me feel like the close (original) tree should be a bit more out of focus. But its a great ad campaign none the less. You should pitch it to T-REX rods AND Starkist. Dig the new eyes gif by the way.
She@iT She@iT


jellyplaster jellyplaster
So the rod and the tree is the sourced used?
Luxwiz Luxwiz
Luxwiz Luxwiz
the crane is the source used to make the rod,the rings from the crane cable wheel,the fishing line from a cable,the sinker from the iron ball and the fish hook from the crane hook,oh and the T-REX and logo from the crane,what part donīt you understand ?
Luxwiz Luxwiz
It's a hard stiff rod Charlie ,you know what I mean,that's why It's called T-REX ;) ... but not a bad idea I may try an upd. if I find some time later
Jelly must have been wasted when he wrote that comment. He'll be alright... Just godda sleep it off.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
cheers Chowdah,glad you liked the pitch and about the tree,yeah maybe a tad blurred would have been appropriate here,bit late now,maybe after comp freshwater tuna,hell why not :)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
yup better with tree slightly blurred... thanks for the suggestion Chowdah :)
Id vote again if I could... great unexpected idea and execution.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
thanks again :)

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 T-REX Rods
by Luxwiz
Created August 28, 2016
9 votes   9 comments
1280w x 960h (271KB)

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idea  3
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