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headless box away just for Luxwiz :)

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She@iT She@iT
If he does that Lux, I see this pic as a winner. Really good clean up!
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Luxwiz Luxwiz
nice cleanup zu ,especially on the fencing and the light :)
wedoo2 wedoo2
Very nice.
Martrex Martrex
dio dio
good one
Osvaldo Osvaldo
photoshopmaster jr photoshopmaster jr


Luxwiz Luxwiz
good clean up,except and now it's my turn... you forgot to clone that same man's body out in the top right corner :)
She@iT She@iT
Edit the body out ZuGabriell. You don't have to do the pic all over. Im sure you know. Just edit the image. That should take around 5 mins.
ZuGabriell ZuGabriell
Oh no, Luxwiz :) sorry, but I really didn't forget :) Every recognizable human body is away now. Head of a guy on the second stage is away now as well - now you cannot recognize it was a human body. It could be just some thing placed on the deck ;)
ZuGabriell ZuGabriell
Sorry for this little facilitation, but I was so tired after removing of those three girls below the guy (and those for guys next to three girls ;) ). The rest of people was quite quick to remove.
ZuGabriell ZuGabriell
She@iT, call me just Zu (read it as [zoo]) ;)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
it could be a box but I know it's a body anyway it seems like the easiest and would have only taken you a minute to clone out so tired is no excuse,I think you really thought it was a box :)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
and don¡t listen to She@iT,she hasn't chopped in a while...don't just edit the body out,that would be too easy,I think it would be much better if you did the whole image over again LOL !
ZuGabriell ZuGabriell
yes, it is! headless box ;)
ZuGabriell ZuGabriell
ok, i made it just for you, Luxwiz, to make happy :D but something goes wrong - image didn't change (at least for me, i can't see the new version). It is visible only in preview of contest entries :/
She@iT She@iT
Lux. What does it matter if I haven't chopped in awhile? We all know clean up, takes a lot more effort. The only thing you did, was lighten the image. ..And changed the background.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
@She@iT clean up is tedious but easy,although maybe not for you cause it involves more than cut and paste,and if you think to do my chop is just to lighten up the image then you try it and I'll bet you a year's advantage it won't come out as good as mi
Luxwiz Luxwiz
good upd. zu :)
She@iT She@iT
I never claimed I was better than you Lux. you were on here chopping many years before I have. You should be better. Clean up is Tedious but easy? So is your chop. It would be easier for me to do a chop like yours, then Zu's.
She@iT She@iT
Most of chopping is copying and pasting. Thats how you get one image into the next. you have done that a lot. You used other people's work, many times and made it your own. I can point them out.
She@iT She@iT
Most of the time nobody's work is all source. very few.
She@iT She@iT
She@iT She@iT
I just shared the link of the contest I won. where you got 0 votes on your chop. You could have done better. You were on here for many years.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
She@iT = TROLL
ZuGabriell ZuGabriell
Well, stop this row. Both of these things are interesting and not easy to do - each of them in different way. Cleaning up is hard, because it is necessary to create part of picture from nothing. Appreciate: work. But it is still the same, no surprises.
ZuGabriell ZuGabriell
...Pasting is maybe quite easier for work. Appreciate: having good ideas. It has many possibilities. I enjoy making photomontages as well as cleaning up. Both of these thing are difficult, if the result looks perfect.
She@iT She@iT
Lux, your a Troll
Luxwiz Luxwiz
sorry for this zu... here entertain yourself
Luxwiz Luxwiz
dio dio
welcome btw!! :)
She@iT She@iT
Lux. Why do want people to see my old arguements on here? I guess you can't help being lame. Oooold people are just corny and lame. and you are oooold.

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 No people
by ZuGabriell
Created April 15, 2017
8 votes   25 comments
800w x 600h (115KB)

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authenticity  0
execution  2
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