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Horned Creatures
Horned Creatures

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Paladin Paladin
vokaris vokaris
genesis2 genesis2
YerPalAl YerPalAl


monopoid monopoid
Nope, don't get this at all.
wurmwurx wurmwurx
I usually vote everyone for the effort they made, at least everyone gets a vote from me but not this one, I can see only silhouette of the source.
tadams tadams
Don't get it? Hooray! Effort vote? Blech!
Paladin Paladin
Dunno what mind conceives this, but it's brillant art IMO!
monopoid monopoid
Did a bit of detective work to try and work out who the chopper of this is. And the tentative answer is...."nevet" or..someone else.
tadams tadams
Keeping looking for suspects, detective.
Paladin Paladin
The Anonymous contest are so much more interesting and fun, trying to figure out who did what. And no pressure to buddy vote.
monopoid monopoid
This is, I think, a two-pipe problem..
genesis2 genesis2
How can you NOT vote for this, but vote for some of the other crap out there?
Paladin Paladin
HaHaHa fire it up Monopoid! Thinking Tadams did a 2 pipe chop lol Agree Gene, balls beaucoup!
wurmwurx wurmwurx
I'm ashamed for my comments tadams, but I really don't get what this is?
tadams tadams
Wurmwurx: the point is to play around with the source and not fall into the habit of chopping within the PSC lines.
Paladin Paladin
That's what hooked me on this chop, Wurm. I didn't know what the F it was either, but it pleased me with the colors and shapes, even the little taste of silhouette source. But only Tadums knows the story and he ain't tellin… Ha!
wurmwurx wurmwurx
Ok I see your point, I thought this entry was all goofed up and the guy who made this (since it's anonymous during the time) was not even serious creating this entry. I'm sorry If I offended you :) peace ✌

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 Horned Creatures
by tadams
Created March 01, 2018
4 votes   14 comments
1280w x 589h (67KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  0
humor  1
idea  0
theme  0

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