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Just do as I do!
Just do as I do!
Thanks to Edgar Degas

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candron candron
very good !!!
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
genesis2 genesis2
Nice, (maybe she's a bit too tall?)
Luxwiz Luxwiz
cool,agree with genesis about her to piano
Osvaldo Osvaldo
YerPalAl YerPalAl
Agree with the comments about the size of the ballerina, but voting for it anyway because of the good work matching the style. Might not be so lucky next time. ;-)


Zizounai Zizounai
Thanks for your comments. Degas was famous for his twisted and sometimes grotesque proportions. Here the woman is the teacher, she is higher than her pupils, and also she stands in front.
Luxwiz Luxwiz
the piano(with the the guy playing violin),violin case, top hat and watering can,measure from bottom of frame,are all as far up front as she is and they are tiny compared to her...have you tried making her smaller to see if it looks better proportioned
Luxwiz Luxwiz
the watering can and top hat are smaller than her foot
Luxwiz Luxwiz
btw not to take away from the good integration but just wondering,if you used a paint plugin filter to make her look painted or just with PS tools?
Zizounai Zizounai
Luxwiz I tried to communicate with Degas mind and as I wrote before he often twisted reality regarding proportions. And... yes I've used 2 different paint filters, added noise, gausian blur and even scratches!
candron candron
Painting called The Star is indeed a good example how Degas played with proportions. So in his way of painting , i like it , that the lady is big
This is really good. I like tall women, so I am fine with her being tall. :D

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 Just do as I do!
by Zizounai
Created November 08, 2019
6 votes   7 comments
800w x 583h (116KB)

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