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French glasses
French glasses
took long to do them glasses

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nevet nevet
Nicely done!
Insomnix Insomnix
Very nicely done!
SplatShot SplatShot
tough, now pop the top and pour
Paladin Paladin
Great work! That the glasses took long says old fashion photochopping skill. AI Generative Fill would have only taken minutes or even seconds using only lasso tool and prompt box.


Kay Cee Kay Cee
yea paladin - yep i am still old school , havent jumped on the Ai bandwagon
SplatShot SplatShot
Winner! Great Work, KC!
SplatShot SplatShot
@ Paladin: "Generative Fill would have only taken minutes or even seconds using only lasso tool and prompt box" Not exactly correct. And translucency is a challenge for GF, (trick it) pixel selection must to be below 50%
SplatShot SplatShot
I feel a forum topic arising :)
96needles 96needles
Top work, most impressive. AI should be banned, however, I don’t know how you would police it.
SplatShot SplatShot
I agree with Jeff "Top Work"... deserved much more support
ShootHerman ShootHerman
Should have won. Great work KC.
Paladin Paladin
@ Byron, G.F. may need a tweaking but it does the heavy lifting (finding, masking, placing requested elements, replacing backgrounds, etc.). Dream it and G.F. will quickly do the work. Hard to compete against meanwhile almost nobody wants to post G.F. use
Paladin Paladin
Agree with Jeff and Geir.
Tawiskaro Tawiskaro
Nice work.
Prince Laurent Prince Laurent
nice job! 👍
genesis2 genesis2
This is NOT GF, AI, or even much PS, it’s 3D

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 French glasses
by Kay Cee
Kay Cee
Created December 05, 2023
4 votes   12 comments
1280w x 960h (348KB)

 Voting Qualities
authenticity  0
execution  2
humor  0
idea  0
theme  0

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