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Photoshop Contest Entry #23125

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jerico jerico
"A" for effort..
alzeke alzeke
well done
pixy pixy
occecid occecid
Very nice job
Rnswiths Rnswiths
WOW, the color blending on that is spectacular!!
mattbach mattbach
well done.
Wett Wett
vslmix vslmix
Very good job, pibe!
visconti visconti
scrolbar scrolbar
dutchy dutchy
sloose sloose
very good
yourmom yourmom
ring a ding ding ding
carchase carchase
Outstanding all around.
Hellekro Hellekro
Excellent work!:-D
jerry717 jerry717
great job!
wAcKy1 wAcKy1
XXXlnt! this is what makes a champion image, multi-level madness! ;)
xovlov xovlov
too f___ing funny!
bluefist bluefist
Great! Make it an even 20.
ElJefe ElJefe


dewking dewking
vslmix vslmix
huy, que paliza! congratulations.
Vaughan Vaughan
ohh! cool! thanks all people who vote me! I discover PhotoshopContest a few weeks ago, and i could say that this site is adictive, just like Counter Strike, jajajaa, congratulations to creators of the site. Also i see excellents works all the time. Is

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 [untitled entry]
by Vaughan
Created April 03, 2003
20 votes   3 comments
w x h (8,592KB)

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