HAHA..it was only a matter of time. :)
You are right eviltigr...it was only a matter of time. Every 24 hours Grimace posts another HOS classic.
Hey, Grim and I do this for the same reasons. Just to have a good time. Not to take this too seriously. Some people unfortunately here do. Pretty sad. The people who do displays some excellent skills get praised. Kudos to those who have the talent. Som
im with Jondrson on this one...
Just to have a good time? Then why does he troll for votes/attention in the discussion thread? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against PSing just for fun and laughs, but it ought to be done in a place where it is appropriate. As the name implies, th
Contest to see what gets more votes. It doesn't have to be showing any supriority in PSing. Could be something as simple as what makes one enjoy the picture, whether it be a laugh, a thought, an idea or of course displaying a terrific piece of editting sk
>>"Contest to see what gets more votes. It doesn't have to be showing any supriority in PSing." Yes, it does. This is PhotoshopContest.com, not cheaplaffimages.com. I am not saying that humor doesn't play a part, it sure can and does. And you are ri
I love Jondrson...
very good...be yourself..stick to the concept...don't give up...!
Agreed with this post. Sorry Grim. I just found his return to the clown-side amusing, but I didn't vote for it. Dew, please optimize your responses, This one is 200K. Typically they should be around 50-60k.
wow tigr... thats an original comment.
Thanks Dew...Hey should I repeat it over and over and over and over? :)
if people actually took 2 seconds (sorry 10 seconds) to optimize images, I wouldnt have to post it over and over... trying to turn your aggressions at me since obviously you couldnt handle jondrsons comments? go back to work. Post 80 more poor images a d
My discussion was obviously over with Jondrson. No aggression towards you. It's all in fun. Geeeez you people take shit too seriuosly. You chimed in so did you think I was going to keep quiet on you? And the "poor images" comment wasn't necessary. Who has
Jondrson what rock did you crawl out from under? :)
upon viewing the many posts I became lazy and chose not to read it because its all probably the same thing " Grimace you dumbass stop posting like that blah blah " have fun wasting your time =D
I am with Jondrson AND dew on this one. your images suck. maybe mine do too, but at least I post something i think some other people on this site might enjoy. I don't post for solely self amusement, if that is what you are looking for find a playboy, hit
Aw come on... lighten up, people. If you don't like someone's post, the best thing to do is NOT vote for it. There is no need to go into a flame war over something like this. Grimace may just start posting evil clowns just to watch the rest of you get
fuck jonderson and dewking, juat have fun.
just pick one... If you want more votes, post better quality images and/or original/funny ideas if you want to "have fun for yourself" keep posting these dumbass clowns. just dont bitch in the discussion forum that you arent getting votes for these
And you know this pains to me to say, but I will have to agree with Dew, (ugh! that was hard) if you decide to post stuff where there is no effort than you can't complain. This may shock you but my posts aren't great, but I don't bitch about not getting v
Much of the time, I don't even post if I don't have a good idea. It's not necessary for me to post everyday but I enjoy seeing the other posts here as well. I "whore for votes" for fun in the discussion. My goal is to one day get in the HOF although,
Grimace, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Grimace? Dew has greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for eviltigr and you curse the regulars. You have
i am going to say one thing to grimace, if you do keep it up posting the same shit thats fine but please don't bitch and complain or vote whore, i remeber the story of a member of invert_e, he was like you did the same post day in and day out it consisted
I just think its funny that everyone gets so bent out of shape by this. You would think that people would just look at this and say "What a fucking idiot" and move on, but no. Instead, they take the time out of their busy lives to write a paragraph on w
Uh, Chicken's Kentucky Fried Monkey got 3 pages of comments...
"And a man in Dew's position can't afford to be made to look RIDICULOUS!" ...it's been too long -- I would always look forward to a lovely afternoon listening to Anthony and Norton spiel off parodied movie quotes! Good thing sblueman is still undergrou
tussle tussle