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Photoshop Contest Entry #27958

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jerry717 jerry717
Reminiscent of H2h...nice
angie69 angie69
damn... :)
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scouting scouting
auch! :-O
chris344 chris344
R@tty R@tty
weizel weizel
double ouch! LOL
volkswes volkswes
insane, but well done :)
dewking dewking
ok, i thought about it.
Janitor Janitor
Odd but cool!
16ozBud 16ozBud
vslmix vslmix
excellent! I like it very much!
scrolbar scrolbar
Chukn8r Chukn8r


EvilTigr EvilTigr
Thought the same thing but couldn't put it togther for some reason..thought the whole "cross my heart, hope to die...etc..
dewking dewking
OUCH,,, damn al.. whats with you and the bloody evil posts?! :)
alzeke alzeke
it's a safety pin fetish :)
bzimm bzimm
That is totally cool that somehow, when her eye is punctured, her inner eye looks like Europe, North Africa, and a part of Iceland and Scandanavia. I wish I had such a cool iris. :)
alzeke alzeke
holy $hit bzimm .. i just noticed that it does look just like a map of Europe. It's really a lightning effect made to look like veins but .. cool.
Showcase Showcase
nice try zeke.
alzeke alzeke
upon further review .. the original eye picture had the map in it but could barely be seen. When I colored dodged, it was made more visible.
dewking dewking
Dude.. thats TOTALLY a map... seriously... its not even SLIGHTLY off... netherlands, england, spain... they are all there... EXACTLY where they should be... LIAR! LIAR! Pants on fire! on a side note.. the blood around the holes could have been a litt
FotoJon7 FotoJon7
weizel weizel
hey its nice map or not, i love it. Keep doing what you do alzeke!
Chukn8r Chukn8r
Uh, there aren't any veins in the cornea, iris... :)

 Safety Pin Awareness
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by alzeke
Created June 13, 2003
14 votes   11 comments
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